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Posts posted by tatertotschool

  1. I'm a newbie, and my 3yo DD can't wait to "start school", so I think she'll really like the structure. She's taking swimming lessons every day, or I might not be able to hold off having school until the end of August. I've done 6 weeks worth of lessons plans. I bought the CLP preschool curriculum, but I don't care for teacher's guide. I'm going to use the activity book provided and supplement with activities. I'm using the free version of Homeschool tracker to see where we're spending our time. I've used the website called Universal Preschool to categorize the typical preschool curriculum and have decided to use the following subjects:


    colors and shapes

    reading readiness

    listening and sequencing



    position and direction

    motor skills


    For our own needs, I added:



    other religious

    Arts and Crafts

    Field Trips


    We're doing MWF "school". We're going to start at 10 and finish up before lunch, leaving the largest blocks of time for crafts. We're using Leading Little Ones to God to start out our day. I'm also going to be using Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading- but in ABC order. Once we finish it, we'll do it again in the order it was written. On Tu-TH she has swimming lessons, and on Thursday- library time.


    Of course, we haven't tried any of this on for size yet. My goal is to have her ready for Explode the Code for next year.

  2. I just finished my Masters in Library Science, and this is something we discussed and discussed and discussed. But I think the answer has been already given. Wiki is a good place to go for a quick fact, that thing on the tip of your tongue that you just can't get out, but should never be used as a source in any kind of academic work, or used as a primary resource in an information literate student. This is the first time I've heard that Sonlight used it, and that is indeed disappointing.

  3. I've read many of the responses, and I am thankful for this thread- especially at the start of our homeschooling journey. My DD is 3, really there is no need to homeschool her, but I want to "try out" homeschooling, and she's been excited to go to "school" since we took the tour and signed her up for preschool. When trying to decide to pull her out, I kept asking if she wanted to go to school- and she would always say yes. I decided to do it at home and settled on an easy to use inexpensive curriculum. Now that I get on this board, I see all these other pre-school programs out there. I can definitely see a problem. All the money I was going to save doing preschool at home was going to start flying out the window.


    Now that I've read TWTM, I think that I will go with the curriculum suggestions in the book. I'd already bought the beginning books to Explode the Code before reading the book. Now that I've looked through the teacher's manual, I'm positive I'll stick to it, and I'm excited to see this choice in TWTM. I started using Saxon math in the 6th grade and finished my high school career with it and it's what I'll probably use for my children.

  4. Personally- I would apologize to my dad. My reasons are spiritual, not only from what the Bible says about honoring mother and father- but also what it says about reconciliation. Matt. 5 comes to mind. But again, not considering your situation or knowing your own religious views, this is just what I'd do.

  5. I don't think there is a lot of variety. I don't remember specifically, but the list to me seemed to be outdated and in the last 10 years there has been an explosion of marvelous literature for children. For some reason I can't get back into the webpage at this moment, but I like Dr. Seuss as much as the next person, but I think the lists is limited to familiar books only. Instead of doing a handful of Seuss and Babar books I'd have a more updated list. I'm 32 and I read all these books as a child. If I remember correctly Where the Wild Things Are was on there, Millions of Cats, etc- books I would've included also, but I personally wouldn't buy the program based on the list based on my brief observation. Off the top of my head: I'd add at least one book by Eric Carle- probably The Very Hungry Caterpillar. If You Give a Mouse A Cookie, Biscuit, something from the How do Dinosaurs series.

  6. The Preschool Plus program looks to be a bit heavy for a 3yo IMHO. In the first week they're introduced to the language device alliteration. My DD is a new 3YO. I've bookmarked it for consideration next year, although as a librarian, I'm not overly impressed with the booklist. I think there are some good books in there, but not enough variety to keep interest and "raise readers".


    I was shocked to see Laura Ingalls Wilder on the list.

  7. I live in Fredericksburg, VA. I've thought for a long time that I'd like to homeschool. My oldest is just now preschool age. Instead of sending her to preschool, we've decided to give this homeschooling thing a practice go. From what I understand, my area is full of homeschooling advocates and resources.

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