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Posts posted by FairProspects

  1. His grades are fine. But it's taking a lot of time and effort to keep them high due to the processing speed. He's already on the ADHD meds, which has helped. He loves many aspects of school like choir, Model UN, and sports, and does not want to homeschool at all, so he's definitely staying in school. But it is a slog for him and some weeks are better than others, so I was hoping there might be something I missed that would help improve the processing speed. It might just be about not overscheduling and learning to cope at this point. It kind of sucks though that so much of school success is about processing and responding quickly since that is not a skill that responds well to interventions (at least not that I've seen or found yet).

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  2. Does anyone know of successful or research-based interventions for slow processing speed? I went back and re-read all of Bright Kids Who Can't Keep Up and there is literally nothing in that book that we have not already implemented. Slow processing speed is Ds1's biggest issue at a college prep private high school. His dyslexia/dysgraphia is what we would all consider remediated - he types fluently, his spelling is post-high school level, vocabulary now scores in the excellent range, he writes essays well with good organization and voice, etc. The issue is just that it is SO hard for him to keep up with the workload because every single assignment takes him 5x as long with processing speed in the single digits. Even simple assignments in math can take hours because of think time. He is in an incredible support program within his school that is basically Landmark School's Universal Design for Learning and I have full confidence in the LRC teacher that oversees his entire education there. But this high school will not reduce workload since they follow a college-prep policy and colleges do not change workload based on LD or documentation. In college, however, he could take fewer classes at a time if necessary, and I am still working with the teacher to determine the best course of action for next semester. But it's frustrating to have worked so hard on dyslexia interventions that succeeded and to find that the slow processing speed is really the beast causing difficulty in high school now. Thoughts?

  3. On 12/14/2019 at 9:05 PM, Ktgrok said:

    Best I can say is to outsource executive function to technology, reminders, alarms, Siri/Alexa, etc as much as possible. I find it HAS to be voice operated or I don't remember long enough to write it down. But really meds were so life changing I just can't stress how much difference they can make. 

    This was exactly my son's experience. Also some similarities to San Diego Mom's experiences. My son started the ADHD meds this summer at 15 and they have made a huge difference for him. They aren't a magic pill that makes ADHD disappear, but they do help so much.

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  4. 3 hours ago, 8FillTheHeart said:

    It is really going to depend.  Colleges are not required to alter degree requirements and some refuse to. Accommodations beyond the legal requirements are completely at their discretion.  So, in essence, a foreign language waiver at those schools will not make any difference at all.  You are going to need to ask every college individually if they will allow any foreign language requirements to be waived.

    If you haven't investigated the legal limits required by 504s, then you might want to start with this link's breakdown. 504 legally required college accommodation


    Ok, thanks. This is helpful. My ds is not set on any certain college yet, but I will do some investigating on which colleges might be more learning disability friendly towards accommodations and/or waivers.

  5. We just re-did older ds' full neuropsych report. No real big surprises, other than some issues resolved (fine motor delay) and others were clarified (processing speed is its own learning disability now). My bigger question is regarding his overall profile. Ds received a HUGE foreign language waiver for all foreign language at both the high school and college level. Has anyone used this accommodation? How did it affect entrance to college? We used a Seattle area neuropsych who said he himself had a foreign language waiver and he never took foreign language at all. How would that kind of waiver even be submitted on college applications?

  6. We offer the Strong Interest Inventory and I think it is the most powerful career test I've seen. It correlates your interests with the interests of those who report they are very happy in their careers 5+ years in. It also considers preferences for schooling when generating careers, so it won't tell someone who hates school to go become a doctor. It is often offered through colleges or private counselors because the school or counselor is required by the test provider to offer counseling with the test results for guidance.

  7. Ds *might* return to private school next year for various reasons. Unfortunately, the school does not offer the foreign language he has been taking while homeschooling this year and I'd prefer not to lose his progress if possible. Has anyone successfully continued additional classes through homeschooling or afterschooling that they were able to add onto a college application for admissions purposes? The high school would be willing to waive the foreign language requirement for graduation since they do not offer the language, but I'd be responsible for proving that proficiency was achieved outside of school for college admissions. He could potentially take the SAT II also, but I'm trying to figure out how I would document or otherwise indicate that he had taken German 1-4 (or wherever he ends up) through a private online provider. Does the transcript even matter if he tests well on a subject test or is it important that his record reflect the classes taken too? I realize this may be college specific, but I'm trying to get a general idea so we can decide if he should continue in this language or start over with a different foreign language next year.

  8. 13 hours ago, Storygirl said:

    Are you homeschooling? If you are homeschooling, do you need to follow your state graduation requirements? Is foreign language actually required?

    I falsely thought that foreign language was required in our state; in actuality, it is an elective. Universities usually require it, but it is possible for there to be exceptions.

    My kids with language disorders -- DD13 has dyslexia, and DS15 has pragmatic language issues and a reading comprehension disability -- are not planning to take foreign language in high school.


    It's now required in WA for high school graduation. Obviously, homeschooling is its own set of laws though. I think the trend is going to be towards requiring FL in high school. Not to mention even many state colleges require 2-3 years of FL for admission. I'm not sure how to get around that with a waiver. I get that you might use a waiver where graduation is concerned, but wouldn't colleges just refuse to admit without it?

    OP: Have you considered sign language? I know several dyslexic students have been successful using sign language for the FL college admissions requirement.

  9. 1 hour ago, HeighHo said:

    One important thing the public high school doesn't want you to know is that your child does not have to take a DE course for college credit.  Many times, the course choice is gen ed full inclusion or DE....a student who would benefit from the honors level that isn't offered is better off in the long run taking the DE class for just high school credit and improving their study skills, as long as they can maintain the high school gpa they need for their merit scholarships.   As mentioned above, College Algebra/Trig is often offered only as DE in my area. One can save themselves some $$ and take it only for high school credit, as that course is not going to transfer towards many University programs.  Additionally, DE courses often are transferred in to U, but the grade doesn't go towards the U gpa.  Peers will have that padding, so consider when scheduling courses if needing to hold on to or qualify for a merit scholarship. Its becoming quite common for top students in high school to DE out of their humanities, which allows them to grad college in 3 in some majors, or earn two degrees in four years.

    This is so true. The high schools are buckling under NCLB and since they are not required to serve the upper end of students as they are the lower, they are passing the task onto the CCs. If it isn't required under the definition of "basic education" the school can eliminate the course legally and tell students to move on to DE if they need the class for college admission. It's frustrating as a parent to watch it unfold.

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  10. I guess my opinion differs, but we're actually choosing a school that is 45 minutes away for next year, so yes, obviously I think there are some schools that are worth it.

    For us, there is a morning shuttle and we're only 20? minutes away from the shuttle drop off. We'll also only be doing the drive for 1 year. After that, my son will have his driver's license prior to the next school year, we'll get him a cheap reliable car, and he can drive himself for the last three years. Another factor for us is that we live in a major metro area and many people, both students and adults, have significant commutes. It's just a fact of life. The better opportunities often require a drive across part or all of the city.

  11. Oh my goodness, yes. I honestly thank my lucky stars that I was a teacher before kids because I knew how it *should* be. With both my boys being dyslexic, almost everything is hard. IRL, no one understood how I KNEW at 5 or 6 that they were dyslexic, and it was simply from teaching NT kids and spending hours around typically developing children.

    I'm so glad you are having a great experience tutoring!

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  12. Actually, one of the biggest new trends in public school education is "standards based learning" and students do indeed have the opportunity to retake tests and redo papers until they have mastered the concepts. Consequently, PS students also have the opportunity to achieve mostly As if they so desire and put in the work. I would not worry about it even a little bit. You're probably presenting just as accurate of a picture as PS grades do. 😉

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  13. This high school journey is getting more real for older ds. Basically, we have to make some decisions relating to next year's schooling that either place him on a path for AP in science and math or in prerequisites for dual enrollment credit. His current plan is to major in aerospace engineering at a major state university, such as Ohio State or Georgia Tech. I don't think he has the desire to try for Ivy League or extremely competitive schools (and I'm not sure he'd have the test scores anyway, although he might with accommodations).

    We definitely won't bother with APs in humanities. It's too much of a time suck for elective credits. What about math and science? Did your 2E engineering students do well with AP exams? Was the testing and timing just too much stress and work? Would dual credit be a better option? Ds has a high degree of accuracy in his work and strong depth of material and conceptual knowledge , but he is SLOW. I'm concerned about AP, both coursework pacing and test, in terms of how much time it will take him to study. Thoughts? What worked best for your 2E engineering students?

  14. Just now, Evanthe said:


    They do sports through a homeschool sports league.  They travel and compete against mostly private schools (with multi-million dollar stadiums - lol - my son and I have some funny stories about that) and other homeschool leagues.  Our homeschool league is actually really competitive.  The football team has been state champs in the past and last year they were state semi-finalists.  The volleyball team competed at a national level a few years ago.  The baseball team is supposed to be really good.  

    Yeah, we're not allowed to play with public schools.  We're in Texas.  

    Dang, you have enough homeschoolers in your state to have an entirely separate league?!? I guess we don't really need that since we are allowed to play on public school teams in WA, but wow, that's amazing. I doubt there would be enough homeschoolers to even accomplish a league in our state.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Ellie said:

    "True high school experience"?? Piffle. Worst.argument.ever. for sending a child to school.

    The goal is to rear well-educated, mature young people who are ready to go into the world, not to spend four years in high school, for crying out loud. And since you know there are resources for the social things, then you have to ponder how important a "true high school experience" is to the future of your ds. Was it all that important to *you*? It wasn't to me, nor to my dh.

    I wouldn't recommend sacrificing the excellent education your son will receive at home for a "true high school experience." Also, you might consider refusing to listen to advice from non-homeschoolers. 🙂

    I'm going to respectfully disagree and say that it depends on personality type. Both my dh and I are extremely social and even as adults work in people related careers. I'm being honest when I state that I would have hated being homeschooled for high school. There were too many daily interactions, as well as choir, club, dance participation, that I would have missed. I grew up in a small town and life revolved around the churches and schools. It would have been incredibly difficult to find social opportunities outside of the school system. My oldest is completely happy homeschooling. My youngest is the same personality type as me. We are definitely looking at high schools for him. It depends on the needs of the child, but I think the high school social experience is a valid consideration. My goal is to raise a happy, healthy, functioning adult. For some individuals, social experiences are a critical part of their well being.

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  16. My take:

    1. Yes, get a gift of appreciation for tutoring. It doesn't have to be large - coffee gift card, mug, something related to a hobby or interest, etc. It's a thoughtful gesture, and while not socially required, is a polite means of saying thanks for the year of hard work.

    2. No, you are definitely not allowed to go to the interview and/or ask any questions. Coach your son on the questions to ask if necessary, but any work related activities must be done by the student ALONE. We are employers and dealing with parents would be a huge red flag for us that a teen was not mature or independent enough to handle a job and the necessary soft skills required to communicate successfully.

    Hope that helps!

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  17. 18 hours ago, Slache said:

    They always come around eventually. In the meantime come here and vent to us and we will talk you through it. I know it can be hard.

     Well, I wish this was true, but it's not in our family and it's been years now. But we've learned to pass the bean dip, talk about other topics, and just keep homeschooling out of the conversation.

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  18. Yes to everything Mainer is saying. And most of Peter Pan's & Lecka's posts too (and that's just because I haven't read the entire thread - no time today).

    The AAS undoubtedly influenced her scores. A remediated dyslexic just doesn't look classically dyslexic. My oldest, a remediated dyslexic, just told me recently that he probably wants to minor in Eastern European languages or linguistics. He has an A in his high school level foreign language course and he's contemplating adding a 3rd language next year. It just does NOT look classically dyslexic at this point, even though it takes him *hours* to do his work and he is SO slow at reading.

    I think these non-traditional 2E dyslexics can really confuse people because ultimately they just look glitchy. He doesn't process quickly like he should, he forgets pieces of equations, has to do twice as much review on vocabulary or gender articles, etc. People, including psychs & SLPs, see the gaps, but it isn't always enough after remediation to get the IEP or a label. My school district would probably laugh in my face right now if I asked for an IEP. But, at the same time, this kid would not be successful without additional supports like extra time, fewer problems, and explicit executive functioning skills teaching. It's a weird gray area.

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  19. Those prices are similar to what we pay for science and online classes. I think the amounts are within the realm of reasonable for the courses taught as long as your family can afford them. I really think you could go either way with the science choice. Personally, I'd pick the non-Apologia option. My boys DO use Apologia in their science classes, but I can't stand the author's tone, and if I had a choice that was similarly rigorous in terms of content, I'd definitely go in another direction.

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  20. The issue I think you will have with WWS in this scenario is that the mentor texts chosen as examples are challenging and dense. If there are language processing problems also, you may want to find different mentor texts to use with the program. The writing assignments and skills themselves are valuable and set up well, but getting through those passages can be tough with a language-challenged student. It's just an incredibly wordy text. And it doesn't HAVE to be to practice the same skills.

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  21. 1 hour ago, Jenn in CA said:

    The human odyssey book sounds great. Is there any lesson guide or curriculum that goes with it or uses it!

    There isn't, unfortunately, and I've done an exhaustive search. Apparently the K12 curriculum is all online by that point. What we've done is sort of a mix. I'm a certified secondary social studies teacher, so often I just teach the material using a combination of reading the textbook, lecture & note taking, writing assignments, etc. But you could also have students outline a section or two per chapter, or do a research/writing project on a person mentioned in a chapter or section. I've added essay assignments to it as well using DBQ project materials. 

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