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Everything posted by teachingmykids

  1. Thank you. I'm hearing that most people collect copywork from their existing reading materials and such. I'd like to collect quality poetry for both copy work and recitation - any recommendations for the the absolute best, must-read poetry? I'd appreciate a list of these that I can start with. Thank you. I'm not familiar with poetry so I really have to ask around to figure out which ones are the top quality literature in poetry. Thanks again.
  2. Thank you for your comments. What books are out there as a compilation of great copywork pieces? What books are out there as compilation of great poetry? Or are there specific peotry that you'd recommend?
  3. Hi, I'd like to help planning Language Arts curriculum for 6th/7th grade for a child who is very strong in math, enjoys reading but weaker in writing. I'm looking for ideas for following topics: 1) writing --- He has finished all the WWE, tried WWS and I found it a little tedious and that it required a lot of my time to edit his work together in order to really teach all the aspects of writing, elaborating, describing. As a writer, he is very straight to the point and not much elaboration or explanation. Still trying to learn evidence-based essays..... I'm quite lost with where to go on this whole writing piece, any recommendations on actual curriculum or daily work suggestions would be so appreciated. 2) Vocabulary - I'm not looking for Greek & Latin root type materials; I'm looking for vocabulary materials outside of roots that will help raise the level of reading and writing and general word choice. 3) Grammar - don't need grammar. He is very solid there. 4) Anything else I should cover? Thank you so much for your help and suggestions.
  4. My child has always struggled with spelling, even certain phonetical words don't make much sense to him; he can read them but can't ever spell them. What is your suggestion for mastering spelling to a child with visual processing and dyslexia? Constantly flipping order or words/letters, even numbers (writes 14 like 41), etc? Visually, reading big words are difficult - sounding each sylable one at a time doesn't seem to make sense to him. I have to block the rest and show one sylable at a time and really push it or else he'd slur over the whole word everytime he sees one of the unfamiliar words in reading. Would appreciate any suggestions to make things and teaching easier. Thank you.
  5. Hi all, I'm new to the forum. I love the classical education methods, but I've always had trouble boiling down to the actual text/material for copywork, memorization and recitation work. I've seen lots of resources for the above and I got overwhelmed not knowing what to pick. Could I please have some top recommendations for text materials to do the above with? I'm looking for passages of great value for mostly upper elementary (but also a lower elementary child and one first year middle school). Any suggestions to help make this simple for me would be greatly appreciated.
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