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Everything posted by arwen521

  1. Just to clarify, the recommended list I'm referring to is the one for her grade level in "A Well Trained Mind" that tries to stick to the time period from history that she's learning about. Hope that helps clarify. I was really surprised Austen was on the list and just wondered if any other moms had found a good version.
  2. My daughter is nearing the end of her 3rd grade year. She's a voracious reader and has read just about everything on the recommended literature list for her school year. Some have been the actual classics, but some have been those geared towards children as recommended in "The Well Trained Mind". Jane Austen is my favorite and it's listed on her recommendations but the language is too high for my daughter to really follow and enjoy. Has anyone found a good abridgment geared to children for any of her works?
  3. Cara4497, do you know if this uses the same writing principles or style as the Zaner Bloser? I'd hate to supplement with something that teaches them something differently and confuses them. Not that I think there is no other way of writing, I'd just rather stick to what we started with.
  4. I was able to find some on ebay and abebooks. They were less than $10 each for unused copies. I hope you're able to find ones for your kids age groups!
  5. I have 3 children we're currently homeschooling - K, 1 and 3. We are using the Zaner Bloser series of writing books. However, the kids finish them WAY before the school year is over and yet still need guidance before moving onto copywork. Is there a part B or 2nd part to this series? Or is there something else that would work well incorporating once they've completed the workbook?
  6. This looks great, thanks! I'll have to look more into it.
  7. My third grader (prolific reader) is studying early American History - reading Story of the World. She loves series. I'm wanting to find a series that starts with the colonization of America moving through statehood. Does anyone have any recommendations? I'd prefer something that's not fictional.
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