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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Maybe he should try out the class. You'll never know if he doesn't at least try, and you certainly don't want regrets. I believe most schools have an option where you can drop an AP class within the first 2 months without any problems, so if he hates it he could always drop. Speaking from personal experience, I took AP US History my junior year and dropped it because the workload was insane. I was staying up until 4am some days to finish reading chapters, and we had reading quizzes every week. I hated it. I took AP Government my senior year, and I really liked it. There was reading and reading quizzes, but not as much as the AP US history class. Also, there were no essays or writing (because the AP test doesn't have any essays). It really depends on the teacher. It's quite possible that if I had gotten another teacher my junior year, I wouldn't have dropped the course. I recommend he tries it out and sees if he likes it.
  2. I'm really busy with classes during the weekdays, but I think having a job on the weekends or at least on Saturday would be really nice. My friend has a job 3 hours every Saturday helping Chinese people practice English (which she got because she knows how to speak Chinese). My question is, I don't know how to go about finding an opportunity like this. She found her job through an email, but I haven't gotten such an opportunity. Most on campus jobs require longer hours and most off campus jobs I've found either want full day weekends or are jobs I just don't like at all. Did anybody ever have a weekend job during college? If so, what was it and how did you find it? It sounds like it would be an awesome opportunity that wouldn't add too much to the stress I already have, but it also seems like an impossible gig to find. Thanks.
  3. I work during the summers but I'm thinking working during the semester would look good on my resume. Right now though, I don't get out of class until 6 every day (except Friday) and most of the campus jobs have 6-10pm shifts, which would mean no dinner and little time for work. Is a job during the school year really necessary for a resume? Also, would it have be related to my field if I want it to matter (cause most of the on campus jobs are not)? Thanks.
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