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Posts posted by Bear2300

  1. Why is it the sequence it is?  Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Advance stuff?  Just curious.   Next year will be my second child's year starting high school work and I was going to out source science but decided to just let him pick a package curriculum and do his own thing. His sister did Sonlight until 11th grade and started college courses with a few co-op classes.  For him, the curriculum package has chemistry first which is against the 'norm'.  So ya, just curious how the whole sequence got started. 

    Oh and little background - I have now officially been thru all the Apologia science books from elementary to high school.

    • Like 1
  2. I have gone over My Father's World, Heart of Dakota, Sonlight.  My favorite one was Heart of Dakota, second is My Father's World and last be Sonlight.  Heart of Dakota is in the middle, in my opinion, for the reading. There are not as many books as Sonlight but not as few as My Father's World.  I did HOD with my first and MFW with my dual. I switched to Sonlight and it was too much.  I have dipped and dabbled with what I could find used this past two years but next year going back to HOD.

  3. Glance at what I been thinking


    Teen 1:  College Freshman

                  My only plans are to take her and possibly her new roommate shopping once they are settled into their dorm.  I am already                          planning her care packages and she's still living in the same city as us but I don't want to be that parent who is constantly in her                  business.

    Teen 2:  High School Freshman

                 Heart of Dakota high school series will be his curriculum for the up coming school year. Instead of Rod and Staff 7, he will use                     Rod and Staff 8. We use Teaching Textbooks. Spanish will be taking at a local co-op.

    Teen 3: 8th Grade

                 Wants to take the same curriculum has her brother since they been side by side since the beginning but not happening.  8th is                     going to easy for her.  Just Teaching Textbooks, Learning Literature Thru Language Arts, A Beka history and Apologia science                     Spanish at a local co-op.


    My goals for 2018-19 school year are getting Teen 1 off to college, Teen 2 to work independently, and Teen 3 to take her education seriously.  

    • Like 2
  4. My daughter applied to a handful of colleges and was accepted to everyone of them and chose Virginia Wesleyan University.  She will be living in the dorms but close enough to come home to use my washer/dryer and kitchen whenever she wants to. :D  It's not a full ride but full enough that my husband and I are not OMG over it.  I also learned because he is still active duty our daughter gets a living allowance so that will go towards her dorm.  I think she is hoping for the a dorm with a private bathroom instead of the community one.  I personally push for non community.  I never lived in the dorms but did service in the Navy and lived in the barracks.  Dorms and barracks are not so different right? 

    • Like 23
  5. Somehow are week got a bit out of sorts so today its - 

    cleaning of the pet enclosures

    bread baking and other treats for the week

    today is out of house lessons so it's review of the work and a handful of science experiments

    hopefully all will be done with supper ready by the time their father returns from work

    • Like 5
  6. I would wait until the year they would graduate from public/private school.  When I started this journey I was all about having my child graduate at 16 and go onto college. Fast forward today I don't want that for my children. I want them to enjoy their childhood and freedom for as long as possible.  My DD17 is unoffically graduated.  I will offically graduate her 2018 just like she would in a public school.  Her senior year consist of a few college courses, preparing for colleges (just send out applications), and volunteer work. Now she is looking for a job now that she has her licence.  She will be an adult soon enough, I no longer wish to push it.

  7. Fridays are no longer Field Day Fridays but Family Fridays. My husband (active military on sea duty) works 4 days a week.  This means we school 4 days a week and my kids get 3 day weekends :) 

    Today kids are off with their dad doing whatever.  He just returned from deployment but is leaving again real soon.  We won't see much of him until he goes back to shore duty some time in 2020.

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  8. I guess I should have been more direct.  This post was school related not life related.  Crayons, markers and other elementry related supplies are a thing of the past.  Now it's better quauilyty drawing and color pencils along with a wee bit better quaily paper depending on project.  My DD12 loves to use color pencils and markers still in her science binder but the 17DD and 13 DS just stick to color pencils.  The oldest does it cuz she been doing it pretty much forever and just goes with it now she highlights everything in her college binders/notebooks.

    DS13 likes to just read, answer questions, quickie drawing with or without labels and move on. This drives me nuts because I love to dig in on the fun topics like life science and history.  Be quick and boring with mathmatics and language arts.  okay I do use color in english, i do on the dry earase board when we review or diagram (Rod and Staff english)

    Plus I am visual and like color.  I also remember in Jr. High doing lots of drawings and making things in our history/geography class and science classes and try to recrate some of the fun stuff and not so fun stuff from that time frame.


    My son is creative. He has a workbench right next to his desk in his bedroom.  He is all boy with his guns, RC cars and Xbox, baseball and loves nearly anything military.  Just when it comes to school, it's all black n white and hates the grey area which includes color in his notebooks.

  9. My son is so easy peasy to his needs unlike my daugthers. He is very basic too, even in his school work. I mean my girls will add color my yougnest (12) will try to glitter, paint whatever to make her work stand out. My son, pencil only and he's quite happy with his work. I am a mom who was creative with her children in their younger years. Our craftiness is pretty much gone but I do enjoy seeing colorful notebooking which my son is determined not to use a lick of color without protest.

  10. Bluefield started out pretty decent but has gone downhill.  The counselor my daughter had is not really good at communication is it's easy to see that dual enrolled students is not a priority at this college.  I have about two more years to save up and pay full price for my younger two attend some duel enrollment courses their Jr. and Sr. year

  11. I see nothing wrong with going from January to December school year.  I have followed traditional US school year and Japan school year.  I have even used my husband's sea duty schedule to determine our school year.  I now have a senior who will be done with school in December but I have her taking a class in a local co-op that ends first week of June.  She will be working on hand on learning in her field of study until she leaves end of summer next fall for college in the midwest.

  12. Thank you for the replies. Husband and I both did our time in the barracks but even those were bigger than the girls bedroom.  The space is 10x12 and even the smallest dorm has been bigger than current living situations. I have looked at Pinterest at dorm living pictures and we have decided to make custom loft beds for the girls.  Plus my husband was pretty clear in his emails that he did not want to return home with any spaces converted to make a 4th room, even a temporary one.


    Since last posting this she is back on the track of attending the the out of state college.  Some of the colleges are already taking applications for the 2018-2019 school year.  Not sure if it's better to summit early or late either way it just be nice to know what next summer will bring us.  My husband will be up for orders and where she goes will be a factor in first choice of orders.

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  13. My child graduates May 2018 and has been wanting to move away for school.  Now she has found some local she rather attend.  Currently she shares a room with her sister who is five year younger.  Its only a 3 bdrm house and the brother is in the other room.  The away college option was going to have her live with relatives but now that school is at the bottom of the list and local ones are on top of the list.  There are a few that are a few hours away and that would require living in the dorm.  Cost is an issue since we did not save (we never planned on saving for anyone's education pass high school).  

    Our house was bought with the intentions that she was going away from college and not staying home. If she wanted to stay home we would have continued our search for a 4 bdrm house 2 yrs ago.  Now the idea of converting the sunroom into a bedroom has come up. I thought yeah at first but after looking and trying to add up the cost and labor - I rather just sent her to the local dorm.

     Just let her go to local dorm or go ahead and make the room happen.  It wouldn't be a forever room because I want my sunroom back. It's the stopping place from the yard/pool before coming into the house.  Adding that room would give me an itty bitty walkway from outside to inside. 


    So who has done down the road similar to mine? pros/cons 

    Or not the same road but has some advice.  These options were not given to her father or I. We both went from living at home to military which ment barracks until we married and moved into housing.  Our first real living was when we bought our house 2 years ago.

  14. I have been teaching my two who are 13 months apart ever since the beginning.  As they are getting older they have no desire to learn together but I still buy the same material just teach separately.  Here is what I have on hand for Language Arts department.  


    Rod & Staff English 7th and 8th grade

    Rod & Staff Spelling 7th and 8th

    IEW B (first time using)

    These two have some writing issues.  I have tried Writing Strands which worked for my oldest but for some reason these two are just not meshing well. I have always wanted to use IEW and now I can.


    Wordly Wise 3000

    Red Herring

    Mind Benders

    Editor In Chief

    Critical Thinking Book 1

    Obviously I am not using all of these books at once.  Just like the first time thru, we do one book at a time as many pages/problems my child wishes to do on the day I have it written.  Critical Thinking Book  1 and Editor In Chief is new to us this year. 


    The Jungle Book

    The Secret Garden

    Treasure Island

    Swiss Family Robinson

    Pilgrims Progress

    Banner in the Sky

    Endless Steppe

    Homeless Bird

    Misty of Chincoteague

    Island of the Blue Dolphins

    The Black Stallion

    King of the Wind


    I have actually purged our 'library'. 90% of all our books were donated, tossed or sold.  I could have had my own little library I had so many books but have decided only to keep certain books that are actual favorite and gone digital on quite a few now. It's weird but besides that, these are a few books that I have found and decided to make these the mandatory literature books before they get tossed into the donation box at the local book store.


    Soo, sound like a decent game plan?


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  15. My child has completed four years of math with one being the basic college algebra math.  We are not in any co-ops and she has no desire to do another math online.  For math, in class setting is more preferred than online.  So what can I do for Sr. year?  I was thinking a consumer class and just brushing up on some concepts that she struggled with last year. Other than that I just don't know what to do.  Suggestions welcomed.

  16. This is my last year with my oldest.  We have already been to some colleges and talked with admissions as well.  The only thing she took with her was the transcript I made and the college (duel enrollment) transcript.  I didn't bring anything else with us.  So far everyone (colleges) are fine with just that so that is what I am sticking with.  

  17. Our house was built early 60's, single story and has a wood fireplace.  I had someone come and clean it because as far as I know it's never been done. Apparently it had because the guy said it looked really good and only about a cup or two of crud came out after he cleaned it.  The guy gave me 1200 estimate to have the chimney parged. I don't have to have it done tomorrow but highly recommends it to be done if we plan to use it alot which we plan to.  We are on the east coast and just curious if anyone who had it done if my price sounds about right?  I don't know anyone locally with a wood fireplace. Those who have them have converted to gas and we have no desire convert.

  18. My child has always been a really good student and has done well both at home and local co-op classes.  Current GPA is 3.85. We just looked at

    current college GPA and it's at 3.46.  I can tell by her behavior that this is really bothering my child.  My child already feels not good enough to compete with a ACT score of 23 and SAT score of 1090.  A few college tours has lifted my child's spirits when it was shown the the scores/transcripts were good enough to apply to the interested schools.

    I just wish my child wouldn't get so caught up  in the numbers.

    I was a solid C student in high school but did get the B in college. Low B but I got it.

    Study skills are pretty good but I know it's hard to study when you share a room with sibling who is a few years younger then you are.  Our home is a small under 1500 square footage home with only 3 bdrms.  Not many places to go for quiet either.  




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