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Posts posted by mamamace

  1. I totally agree w/many of the wonderful posts regarding spending more time, doing activities together, allowing her creativity to thrive w/her computer time, etc.


    You also mentioned junk food and cutting back on it. I definitely agree! I grew up eating tons of processed food and drinking diet coke like it was water. In the past few years, I have spent a lot of time researching about processed food, additives, artificial colors, MSG, etc. These chemicals have tremendous effects on the human body, especially brain chemistry.


    We have made a lot of changes in our diet, and we feel much better. What we put inside our bodies has so much of an effect on how we feel about ourselves, our motivation in life, and so on. It is so difficult in this fast paced world, and of course, you are never going to completely eliminate it! But little by little, changes can be made. You are doing a wonderful job of loving your child and are setting a great example for your daughter.

  2. Tomatoes love the heat so definitely go for those! Squash and zucchini are other possibilities. Even green beans would give you a nice crop since your growing season is longer down there. You can plant fall items like pumpkins at the end of July to have in Oct. Since it is so hot, just make sure to keep a close eye on them at first so they get established.

  3. Thank you Merry! Very helpful!


    It is overwhelming to go on the boards sometimes and they are hundreds of posts about workboxes. I just need something succinct to get me going w/o having to wade through it all. :confused:

  4. Anyone have some good links to learn more about workboxes?



    No. I only put independent work in my kids' workboxes. We have together/group time first, and then I have them do their workboxes.


    Merry :-)

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