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Posts posted by Momma4Boys

  1. I gotta agree that this is typical. I have 4 boys and we usually have 3-4 other boys over here daily after school. Boys are violent, loud and have quick spurts of "testosterone energy". But they usually get over it just as fast. Calling other kids "stupid" and "dork" is almost a loving nickname to junior high boys.


    It is weird to watch - I grew up with only a sister and female cousins so I am always baffled by boys...

  2. I plan to get a programmable crockpot when my current one dies. I have looked at this one, which seems reasonable. I actually saw it on sale at Walmart recently for $40, but I can't justify buying it when my only 3 year old crock is still going strong.


    I have this one - it works GREAT!! If it ever dies I am buying it again. We are a family of 6, tho, so I like to cook large portions. I have a smaller crock pot for things like oatmeal, gravy, etc.

  3. trying to answer everyone's questions...i don't know how to multiquote...


    IMO it HAS to be hormone related. I had no issues with weight until the surgery. I am on a medication for panic attacks that can have a weight gain side efect but it took me years to find something that works so I am hesitant to go off of it. Plus I started gaining weight before I went on this particular medication.


    As to exercise - I walk several times a week but nothing worthy of Jillian Michaels. I want to start running but I'd like to lose some weight first so my joints dont explode.


    When I went to my doctor and told him that Weight Watchers didn't work for me he looked at me like I had 2 heads - he basically said WW works for everyone if you do it right...I am hearing the same thing about LCHF, Paleo, Atkins, etc. How can this make sense?


    So - it sounds like many of you are doing more of a clean-eating approach rather than a strict LCHF. High protein, good fats, more veggies, no sugar kind of thing. Maybe I should go more that route...thoughts?


    I have been reading Mark's Daily Apple and I read the Adkins book.


    Maybe the dairy is an issue - I was trying to get more calcium and breakstone 4% cottage cheese was lower in carbs. Plus it was a fast breakfast.

  4. I feel like all I was eating was fat :tongue_smilie: In a typical day I would have coffee with heavy cream and stevia drops; cottage cheese with mayo (sounds weird but tastes good) with a tomato on top; bacon; scrambled eggs with heavy cream, ham & cheese with butter on top; lots of water; and for dinner whatever meat the family was having with salad (blue cheese dressing) and other veggies.


    I was actually enjoying most of the food - who doesn't love bacon and butter?

  5. I like Crapalanche. You know, when DH walks into a disaster, and you are trying to explain that you're cleaning and he's wondering how you manage to keep a straight face.


    :lol: this is classic!


    I consider it the "storm before the calm" - my house is currently in this stage right now...something about fall brings it out in me!

  6. A little background... I am 40 years old and never had issues with weight until a partial hysterectomy (tmi?). After that I gained over 50 lbs in 2 years. I have had blood work done and regular check ups and nothing ever comes back weird. I have tried weight watchers - lost nothing; south beach - nothing...


    So now I tried LCHF - I was soooo good for 10 days - easily ate less than 20g of carbs every day. I went through the feeling like doodoo stage and that went away. I never got any energy boost, started losing my hair and lost ZERO POUNDS!!! Ugh!


    Anyone have any recommendations? I am getting very frustrated. :banghead:

  7. I have tried it all and in my house we are good for a couple of weeks and then it all goes down hill from there...and I recently figured out why.


    I.Am.Lazy. There, I said it. I really think it all boils down to being able to be the leader (dictator? drill sergeant?) 24/7. I can't seem to do that...I am weak.


    BUT I am re-engerized by this thread! I love the simplicity of the given ideas.


    Here's to trying again and not giving up as parents! :lol:

  8. You have gotten a ton of really great advice and I pretty much agree with all of it. We have 4 boys and our oldest joined scouts at 11 (the others started in cub scouts). Our oldest has really enjoyed scouts and it is building his time management and responsibility skills better than anything we had done before. (I am SURE there are some grammar issues in that sentence...I keep re-reading it...but I am letting it go - you get my meaning :001_smile:)


    Our scouts meet weekly and camp monthly. The initial camping gear expense was pretty high but now it is really cheap for my dh and sons to go camping. Speaking about supervision, my dh tends to go on all the campouts and even went to summer camp. It has been great for them to bond in the great outdoors. My family is usually a geeky, inside, computer lovin' family so bonding in nature is a huge change for us (and when I say us, I mean the men...I don't camp unless a camper is involved with air conditioning and a potty). :tongue_smilie:


    I say give it a try - my kids didn't think they liked camping either but there is something to be said about giving a boy an axe or a knife and saying go chop something up - they really dig it :001_smile:



  9. We put our oldest in PS this year (8th grade) and I was shocked when he came home yesterday and told us his 1st required reading for Literature this year was the Hunger Games.


    My husband said "welcome to ps!" ha - HE's the one that wanted him to go...anyway :glare:...


    I read the series - I thought they were well written, thought provoking but extremely violent. It is like Lord of the Flies on steroids. I think he'll be fine reading it but more sensitive kids may have issues with it.

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