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Posts posted by Momma4Boys

  1. So - no luck finding a developmental optometrist here in Korea - I may get that book you recommended OhElizabeth! Thanks for letting me know about it! It's a little pricey but if it helps my son then obviously it would be worth it :)


    Wow! ElizabethB - what an awesome site your 40L is! I gave all my kids the Quick Screen Reading Grade Level Test:

    My 15 year old 10th grader scored 11.6 grade level

    My 13 year old 7th grader scored 4.4 grade level

    My 10 year old 5th grader scored 5.7 grade level

    My 9 year old 3rd grader scored 4.0 grade level


    So clearly you can see which one is struggling in school :( Makes me sad that it has taken me THIS LONG to figure this out!


    I had him take the New Elizabethian Test A & B - I have no clue how to score it tho...he did fairly well (better than I thought he would) but he did miss one word per line on average. I see that the lessons coorispond with the lines - I can start with the lessons on your 40L site. But what else should I do?


    An example of the words he missed are:

    potmets (he added an extra syllable - like pottamets)

    utbon (same - uttenbon)

    id - said eyed (long i)

    Vi - said with short i sound

    lune - said lun (short u sound)

    mew - said mee

    poy - said po (long o)






    gnu (pronounced the g - that one is an easy one to fix - he missed all the gn combo words)



    So what do you think? He spelling is also pretty terrible. I didn't test him on spelling but I know from some of his school writing.


    You guys are so wonderful - thanks for all that you do (for me and everyone else out there)!!


  2. more great info - thank you! btw - OhElizabeth - I have never seen OneNote and it looked AWESOME! It looked like it would make what you are suggesting I try with my ds much more manageable!


    My son has seen a regular optometrist and was fine and he did a see a developmental optometrist a few years ago when we lived in San Antonio (I should have mentioned that - sorry). He had a slight depth perception issue but nothing major. I'll ask a few of my Korean friends to see if they have such a thing here :) Great advice!

  3. This is 7th grade, not grad school!  It's good enough, fun, and memorable.


    This is why I love this forum and group of people! Such thought out, constructive help!! Thank you OhElizabeth! Now, what you are proposing DOES scare the bageebies out of me BUT you have made some wonderful points and I am going to research it more.


    I love your quote above - it is EXACTLY how I feel - thank you for saying it and confirming that I'm not the only parent out there that feels that way.


    I look forward to digging into your link and seeing how you make your school happen for your daughter.


    Thanks again!

  4. OK - quick back story...I have 4 sons and we are a military family. I homeschooled all of them at one time but when we moved to San Antonio the schools we were in were so fabulous that all 4 boys went to public schools - and did really well. Fast forward 2 years later and we are now in South Korea in an American DOD school. 3 of my kids are thriving and doing fine but my 2nd son, who is in 7th grade, is struggling.


    He has always been a slow learner - he hates to read & write - but he is intelligent. We had him tested for dyslexia many years ago but that came back negative. He is not an auditory learner at all. What is happening here is that the school has A & B days where they do some subjects on A days and other subjects on B days. The idea is that they can spend more time discussing and have an extra day to do homework. Great idea in theory...but what is actually happening is the teachers are covering 2 chapters or 2 ideas in 1 day and then loading on tons of homework (since they have an extra day to do it) - but all of the classes do this so it creates, for my son, 3-4 hours of homework every evening. For a kid who really doesn't love school this is torture! Most kids here probably don't spend that amount of time on homework, but my ds does.


    SO - I offered to homeschool him and he is seriously considering it.


    Back to my research question - I really don't have the resources here to have him professionally tested. And I need something good for distance learning, slow learners and hesitant reader/writers. I also want something that is easy to move into high school - with record keeping & such.


    Things I have used in the past which were ok but not fabulous for us (cause I'm not a very good homeschooling mom - I'll be honest) - TOG, Veritas Press, MUS (loved MUS until I put my kids in public school and they were SUPER far behind - the way it spirals knowledge is different)


     Can you guys help me please? Give me options to research? My hopes for him in the future are either college - but I can really see him becoming a police officer, fireman, chef etc - things that are more hands on and don't require years and years of college.


    THANKS so much!!




    ~ Military Spouse with 4 awesome sons ages 15, 13, 10 & 9 ~



  5. We are a military family and it looks like we are moving to South Korea - so excited!! But we have so much to do - first and for most, selling what i don't need to take with us. Check out my stuff for sale and make an offer ;)





    mother to 4ds - ages 15, 12, 10 & 8

  6. B) Liberal Methodist or Presbyterian. Forgive me for not knowing the various flavors of Presbyterianism. I've not had much experience with them. Someone much more knowledgeable can give you the specific letters.


    PCUSA - presbyterian church united states of america is liberal

    PCA - presbyterian church of america is not

    OPC - orthodox presbyterian church is not

  7. The 2nd week in October is the PERFECT time to go to an east coast or gulf coast beach - not crowded but the water is still warm and the rates are fab!!


    We frequent Myrtle Beach often and we always stay at Lakewood Christian Campground. http://www.lakewoodcampground.com - it is clean, nice and has many amenities for the kids. We usually rent a camper (you can have them delivered to your site for you - we use http://www.myrtlebeachrvrentals.com ). This campground is right on the beach, they have outdoor and indoor pool, art activities, mini golf, onsite ice cream, coffee shop, pizza, other food, fish fries, etc.


    My FAVORITE beach is Fort Walton beach area near Destin. Beautiful white sand (that is not hot), and gorgeous blue-green water. We stayed in a condo on the beach and it was perfect - it was right on the beach and had a outdoor pool right outside the condo. It is here http://www.vacationrentals.com/vacation-rentals/11090.html - this may be too big for you since it is a 3 bedroom but there are other units all around this one.


    HTH -

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