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Posts posted by Mary70

  1. Berlin Wall experts: was it west Berlin that was surrounded by a wall? The wikipedia map seems to show this, and we just watched a youtube video about it. But I thought the west Berliners were free, and not the east Berliners. How could West Berlin be free if they were trapped inside a wall? Can someone please put this whole thing into simple terms for me! Thanks! 1f600.png😀

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  2. We're reading Adela Cathcart by George Macdonald. While I thought it might be a nice Christmas read, I think it might be too deep for him. 


    Any suggestions for "funny" Christmas books that are also "classical?" 


    He went thru a wonderful reading stage a few years ago and that all stopped when he was about 13  :huh:  

  3. I'd like to address this to experienced homeschoolers of teens and teachers only please:


    My teen has always enjoyed being read aloud to, and he still requests that I read aloud to him at 16, and it's something we both enjoy :laugh: . I try to challenge him a little with harder books, but not too hard for his age group. But when I ask him to narrate back what he has understood, he'll just give me one sentence, at best, then I have to prompt and prompt to get anything more out of him. I've been narrating to him what it's about after each chapter, and he usually says: 'oh! I didn't realise it was about that!' I might add that there's nothing wrong with him brain-wise, according to tests etc. So do I just keep reading and then narrating it to him? Or try something else? 

  4. Can anyone help with this? It’s a subjunctive, but I don’t know whether it is be or were. Does anyone know, and can you back it up with a logical explanation?


    With their fears somewhat relieved, she began, at length, to ask them if she might rest there, though their cottage be small.


    With their fears somewhat relieved, she began, at length, to ask them if she might rest there, though their cottage were small.



  5. We are reading the Taming of the Shrew in our homeschool, the frame story at the beginning rings a bell. A sleeping beggar is taken to a lord's house as a prank/experiment, told he is lord when he awakes and waited upon by servants, then when he falls asleep again, he is returned to his original place, and he wakes thinking it was a dream that he had become a lord. Where have I heard this story before? We've read a lot of classics and philosophy, and I seem to recall it's an allegory from an ancient philosopher. Can anyone help? 



  6. Only I have my teen's facebook page password, but when I allow him time on there, he has a few friends who PM him using vulgar language and pics. I can ban those friends from both his friend list AND the PM option, but my teen can just add them again once I go to the bathroom or go out to check the mailbox. 


    Is there no app or anything for me to put the settings on his facebook page with a password, so that he needs a password before he can accept PMs from a friend etc?  


    Thank you

  7. My son has a Mac laptop, but the Parental Controls don't have as many options as the Windows one when it comes to time slots. I can only adjust the amount of time allowed per day, but I'm after a program that allows a weekly allowance of play time on the laptop within certain times, ie 2-3pm and 6-7pm etc. Is there such a thing? Netnanny and K9 didn't work for us. Anything else? Even better if I can alter time slots remotely, ie from a phone. 

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