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Posts posted by momof4...

  1. I know I keep posting on here but I keep reading forums and reviews and changing my mind .

    My son will be in grade 3 in September . We are using AAR and AAS. He will do WWE level 2 in grade 3. I want to start grammar with him . We used FLL 1 and it went okay but we both weren't really fans of it. I want to use MCT but I might wait until 4th grade . People say if they have some grammar knowledge MCT will be easier . So I thought for grade 3 of maybe doing Winston grammar because it looks hands on and that aspect from AAR has really helped my son. Should I just back off and start MCT in grade 4? Or try Winston grammar or easy grammar ?

  2. I have the first book but I didn't want to start now because this is our first year .. they came from public school so we are getting into a good routine of math and reading and language arts . I also have 4 year old and 22 month old plus one on the way. I plan to read them books about history .. we have some of the reading lists books that SOTW recommends . We have a living science book we are reading and our read aloud so I'm not sure about adding in SOTW as another read aloud. When my boys are in 4/5 I will have a K and grade 1 and then a 2 year old ;) so thinking all 4 of them could do it then and I will add extra work for the older two .

  3. Has anyone waited and just started SOTW in grade 5?

    My boys in grade 1/2 are doing Canada my country from Donnaward. 2/3 I thought we would do native studies and 3/4 do Canadian history . So 4/5 - 7/8 we would go through SOTW with the activity book .

  4. My sons are currently using CLE math. I love grade 1 for my 6 year old , he has a hard time catching on to math so the review is great for him . When a topic is introduced it takes him about 10 days of lessons of reviewing it before he gets it. My 7 year old is using 200s and he gets things right away . So for him I was thinking of using Singapore or beast academy for grade 3. I heard someone say that CLE is easy and Singapore or beast are more challenging . But I don't want to just switch because I have 3 other littles and I want them all to just use the same math programs so I save on money . Therefore all will use CLE for grade 1 and 2. Grade 3 Singapore or beast will probably be fine for my oldest but not my second until he is in 4th. I want to make sure I have a solid math program for all my kids with enough challenge but not too much to overwhelm them and not just an easy program either . Should I stick with CLE or switch to Singapore or beast ?

  5. I just want to know the flow of things .. because it seems like so many programs overlap ... but I guess generally you do fll 1-3 and then can go into MCT . Then for writing do WWE 1-3 .. then do W&R 1-4 .. then maybe think about kilgallon ?

  6. That is the thing . He completes a CLE math lesson in 15 minutes on his own . And he mostly gets 100% of everything right . We haven't even started multiplication yet but he can multiply up to 5 and 10s just by asking him what is 6 groups of 5.... and he can add 135 and 126 in his head. So I want something a little more challenging .

  7. I am trying to figure out a plan for writing and grammar. I want to use WWE, treasured conversations, W&R and kilgallon. Then for grammar use FLL and MCT.


    Would you do . WWE 1, WWE 2, WWE 3 and treasured conversations, then W & R 1 and 2 and start kilgallon sentence composing , then W&R 3 and 4 with paragraph composing. Then start WWS (about grade 6)?


    Grammar do FLL 1-3. Then start MCT island, then story grammar, then town and voyage?

  8. Ok thanks everyone . My son is very good at math and is doing CLE 200 very easily. I've just heard that a lot of people use it, so I was wondering . This is my first of 5 kids.. my next two are not math oriented so I may just stick with CLE so all my kids can use it :)

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  9. My son is currently doing CLE 200. He is just finishing 205. I was wondering about switching to Beast Academy in grade 3. But I have been reading that a lot of people do CLE 200 and BA 3A and 3B together. Will BA be too easy for him if we complete CLE 200s first? I don't want to do both programs because I just feel like that will be a lot of work. Is BA a full math program if we switch? Or should I stick with CLE?

  10. He did k-1 in public school. He can read but has a lot of gaps and it is a phonics thing. I just wasn't sure since he is reading if he should do a phonics program. He knows a lot of his words by sight and knows all the sounds , he just has a hard time blending together a new word that he has sounded out (if that makes sense). I'm sure he would benefit from using AAR 2-4.

  11. My 7 year old is reading the pathway books for his reading and that is about all we are doing. He is in the first grade 2 book, each chapter we read he struggles with 1-3 words. When we come to a word he doesn't know I help him sound it out. My question is should he be doing something else for reading? I sometimes have him narrate as well.


    I'm mainly asking because my 6 year old is going to start AAR level 1. He can read cvc words and most words containing 4 letters, as long as they can be sounded out phonetically

    (No blends yet like 'er' or 'oy' ). He needs extra help with reading and 100 easy lessons just didn't work for him.


    Should I purchase level 2 AAR for my 7 year old or just keep reading books with him? He is also doing AAS 1, FLL 1 and WWE 1.

  12. My 7 year old is reading the pathway books for his reading and that is about all we are doing. He is in the first grade 2 book, each chapter we read he struggles with 1-3 words. When we come to a word he doesn't know I help him sound it out. My question is should he be doing something else for reading? I sometimes have him narrate as well.


    I'm mainly asking because my 6 year old is going to start AAR level 1. He can read cvc words and most words containing 4 letters, as long as they can be sounded out phonetically

    (No blends yet like 'er' or 'oy' ). He needs extra help with reading and 100 easy lessons just didn't work for him.


    Should I purchase level 2 AAR for my 7 year old or just keep reading books with him? He is also doing AAS 1, FLL 1 and WWE 1.

  13. I think part of what is hard for me is that I grew up with 3 sisters (1 brother too but he was 5 years younger) . I learned to read at 3 years old and was reading chapter books in grade 1. My boys don't mind reading especially my 7 year old but they would rather be outside .. running around or playing . But from what I'm understanding that is fine for now :) I'll just keep my plan for this year and see how it goes and maybe add in more next year ;) thanks for the comments !

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  14. By read a story I mean I read them a poem or Aesop fable or a page in a story about a composer or inventor( about 4 paragraphs on a page and then we read a page a day). That is during our morning time. Then they narrate back to me. My second grader reads with me later for about 20 min and my first grader for about 10. We were also doing a read aloud (narnia) which was about an hour but we haven't done that in a couple weeks now. We have no requirements for anything here as far as homeschooling laws.

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  15. Thank you sahamamama! Your reply was so encouraging . I have a 3 year old and 1 year old as well so it's busy! We spend Tuesday's from 10-230 out at gymnastics. All 3 of my boys are in gymnastics and then we also have piano lessons and I work one afternoon a week and also drive for work sometimes, which can be up to 12 hours of driving and all 4 kids come with me . But I definitely want to just let my kids play and have fun and we take Fridays off and go on a field trip . It's just hard when I hear about boys the same age doing sotw or starting Latin .

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  16. This is my first year homeschooling and we have just finished up week 7. We are only doing math and English (grade 1 - phonics, reading, handwriting; grade 2 - reading, handwriting, FLL and WWE (level 1) and All about spelling). In Jan my grade 1 will start WwE and spelling. We also have morning time where we do bible and read a story. We have been trying to do social studies and science but so far have only done one lesson in each. I am just wondering if this is enough for our first year or if I should really be trying hard to do science and social studies. I've also been thinking if I should add in French because I am fluent. Should I add in vocabulary for my second grader? People I know who homeschool just seem to be doing more .

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