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Posts posted by mel66susan

  1. Hi All,

    "Behind" according to??? The joys of homeschooling include setting our own goals and adjusting our plans according to the individual needs. We want them to be successful in their endeavors. If that means spending an extra year in a loving, accepting and encouraging home atmosphere it will be a year well spent. (IMO, of course) Think back to our firstborn baby; did it really matter whether they walked at 8 months or 15 months? Perhaps at the time it seemed important but by kindergarten it's irrelevant. They will be adults the rest of their lives (duh, I know) but I want their first excursions to be successful, not frustrating because they are ill prepared. College or working are stressful enough.


    When one of my kiddos would hit a roadblock, we would back up to the point where they were successful and usually found a concept that was eluding their complete grasp. I have had many "aha" moments myself in homeschooling when concepts suddenly became clearer because I finally comprehended a basic that I should have understood 30 years ago! (like run-on sentences ;-)


    I'm not familiar with Lial's math but have found TT to be great at explaining in an understandable way. I've also used Key To... when we hit those roadblocks, then we went back to whatever was challenging them. It also helps if they can see how math problems translate into real life as preparation for careers. Builders, pharmacists, nurses, carpet layers, research scientists, engineers; we all use math, but in different ways. My hands on kiddos appreciate that this problem will have real life applications! The libraries have fun to read books on that and "math trick" books that will "astound your friends!"


    JMO, but relax and try to enjoy the time and make the time enjoyable for him. "Behind" really only matters if we're comparing and if we're doing that we might as well throw in a few swirlies and wedgies, too! I'm trying to practice what I preach with my own 15 yob... Take care,


    Susan (who's obviously behind in tact)

  2. Hi Carolyn,

    Sorry to take so long responding to you! Life... Anyways, Iz probably spent an hour a day with Bible reading as they read through the OT with the Ancients. This year, she'll be reading through the NT. She thoroughly enjoyed the independence of this curriculum but continued to do our family Bible reading with us. Granted, somedays she resisted joining us so she could finish what she was working on. They do indeed use the Bible as the spine and add in with the others. There are also many lists to supplement this time frame. I perused Sonlight and Veritas Press catalogs and then used the library. One thing that became an issue for us was making sure that she and I spent enough time looking through her work together. But, that was just us! HTH,


  3. Hi Carolyn,

    My daughter used MFW Ancients last year and loved it. She is my least academic kiddo and she thoroughly enjoyed this program. Lots of Bible, good literary analysis but she needed a little assistance with the writing. (writing phobic) She liked the independence of this curriculum. There were days when she could and would finish up by lunch just by some serious effort, which she had neglected to do before! I restrained myself from assigning additional but do plan to beef up things this year just in preparation for the ACT. She will be a junior this year and be 17 in November. I personally believe that world history and literature is better left till the last 2 years of HS, but 2 of her friends who were young freshmen did fine with it. HTH,


  4. Hi All,

    My first post here! After HSing for 15 yrs, I admit failing horribly at any attempt with foreign languages. Some days I was delighted if their English sounded relatively respectable... Also, accumulated vast quantities of art books and curriculums but I still have hopes of implementing those with the four kiddos still homeschooling.


    On the very bright side, I never in all my imaginings saw how very close and home-loving my kids would be. I count foreign languages and dusty art projects a small price to pay for hearing them love each other!


    I enjoyed reading all your posts on this topic. Isn't it great when God gives us glimpses of the long-term vision? I love that one poster gives books to her Mom! I definitely feel like we're still HSing our college student. Maybe not in academics but she is certainly learning life skills while dealing with a grandma with dementia...


    Thanks and may we all experience "failures" that He uses to His glory this year.



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