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Posts posted by holdoll

  1. Christine, first of all :grouphug:.


    I am praying for you and your whole family. I have recently been through a different type of cancer and understand the roller-coaster of feelings and emotions you are having. My step-mom had the same as you. That was 30 years ago; she is now 85 and still going strong! Be encouraged by all the wonderful pp's here and know that we are praying for you and that G-d is faithful.

  2. We have a six year old Golden/ Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Last year during our first fall/winter in the high desert her skin began to peel and she lost some of her undercoat. I took her to the vet and he was perplexed as to what was the problem after doing blood work and a skin scraping. I bought the very expensive prescription dog food that he suggested and nothing changed. All her other behaviors were fine; normal appetite, stool, urination, exercise, etc. Happy go lucky type of sweet girl. By spring she was back to normal. Well, here we go again. I just noticed little skin flakes this morning on her coat. Could it be the cold high desert air is drying out her skin too much? If so, what can I do for her if anything? Thank you in advance for your thoughts! :bigear:

  3. Two hints: Before going, print a page of Avery labels with your dc's names and address. Most college booths collect names, addresses and email addresses so they can send additional info. It is much easier to peel and stick a label than to write all that info over and over. Also, you may want to consider setting up an email account just for college emails. Gmail is free. That way college emails won't be filling your everyday email boxes. Your dc can use the same email address when they take the ACT and SAT because they will get much more email after those.


    Dd and I are going to a college fair this weekend. Thank you for the great suggestions!

  4. I used to always be the invitER. Then I met two home school families who invited us over/or to do things more than we invited them. It's strange, really, how things can ebb and flow. Since we moved two years ago, there's only been one family who has invited us to do anything. We're more involved with different groups here then we ever were, so it's not like we don't meet people.


    I try to remember what my mom always said, "Throw enough spaghetti on the wall and something's bound to stick." ;) But every now and then I do get tired of being the initiator.

  5. There is an article in The Home School Court Report from HSLDA that discusses this very issue in the state of Massachusetts. I tried scanning and adding it as an attachment but it was not readable, so I typed it out for you.


    From HSLDA's The Home School Court Report Vol. XXVI, No. 3 May/June 2010




    HSLDA letter aids college admissions process

    By Michael P. Donnelly


    A Home School Legal Defense Association member family contact HSLDA to help unravel some difficulties their daughter was experiencing with the application process of Westfield State College in Massachusetts. After applying for admission, she was informed that college policy required all home school students to submit GED test scores in addition to SAT scores and a high school transcript.

    After learning of this discriminatory requirement, HSLDA Staff Attorney Michael Donnelly wrote the director of admissions urging Westfield to accept our member’s daughter and revise their policy to reflect state and federal provisions, which implicitly state that home school graduates are not required to take the GED.

    Westfield quickly notified our member they were accepting their daughter and thanked HSLDA for its timely assistance. The college also informed our member that they would be using the letter from HSLDA as a reference when considering future applications from home school students.

    HSLDA was pleased to see Westfield’s positive response. We seek to advocate on behalf of our members when they are unnecessarily discriminated against by college admissions requirements.


    I hope this is helpful to you. Good luck!

  6. The nice thing is you file your intent with the DNPE. Division of Non-Public Education. You don't have to worry about which "county" you live in or which superintendent to send it to.


    Raleigh is in Wake County and has the largest number of home schooled children in the state. There are many support groups, moms groups, and extracurricular activities you may find it hard to get your school work done.


    The main local on-line support group is called spice-line. It's a yahoo group that has over 3400 members and is a wealth of information. However, the woman who runs it is Christian, but you don't have to be a Christian to join.

  7. The guidance counselor arranaged to meet EK & me at the school office about 7:50 the morning of the test. She took EK to the testing area, and I left.


    I wish this had been my dd's experience. She was told by the guidance counselor the room number and said, "The room's that way" and pointed. Dd got lost but thankfully I had dropped her off 1/2 hour early so she still made it with 15 minutes to spare.


    She will be back to this school on the 23rd for the ACT. It'll be on a Saturday and I'm hoping more organized.


    At any rate, just like a PP observed of her son, dd walked out like she owned the place. There was a group of football players standing in front of the exit who wouldn't move for anyone and she just walked right through the middle of them! :lol:

  8. Now, if you were asking about your 14 year old, I would be dying to know how you got away so inexpensively!


    If you don't mind used clothing, our girls love to shop at Plato's Closet. We get jeans for $7-$8, tops for $3-$4. The last time we went in there was a sale and you could get specially tagged items for $10 to fill up your grocery store bag. For $20 I got them 4 pairs of jeans, 6 graphic tees and 2 blouses. They also have shoes and young mens clothing. They'll also buy your gently used clothing.


    Here's the link.

  9. and that's the way I always have done it. I didn't know anyone did it differently on purpose. I've seen it done your way before but just thought it was being done as a shortcut because we're on the internet and a lot of things are done in a shortcut manner on the internet. Now I'm learning something but it won't change the way I've been taught so I'll be doing it like Shurley says.



    :iagree: Are we dating ourselves? :lol:

  10. Why do I worry so much? Dd said it was so much easier than the practice test and was especially happy with the math portion. She did say that every once in a while she'll think about going to PS but after today, glad she doesn't. Watching her walk out of that school with confidence reminded me again that I am so proud to be her mom!

  11. My MIL lived with us for 5 years. It was great when the youngest was little because Grandma kept her busy when I was working with her sister. She was easy going and never interfered. I was really upset when she moved out! It was like losing a best friend.


    However, I just found out from DH that his GM wants to move in with us if her current situation changes. :svengo: She's a 95 year old extremely opinionated retired school teacher, and not in the best of health.

  12. Yes, I do feel like I abandoned her to the wolves! The high school is huge, the counselors and office staff are rude, and the place smells like dirty socks. I've had a large rock in the pit of my stomach since I dropped her off about an hour ago and have said several prayers. She was calm; I, on the other hand am a wreck. :001_huh:

  13. :grouphug:


    We made the decision to HS through high school and I must it admit it's getting lonely. I feel most for my 16 yo dd because where we live, all the teens go to PS for an elective Seminary class. Then it seems they also take Art or Band, etc. and then the next the thing you know they are full time PS.


    Well, we're used to being the oddballs so I guess it goes with the territory. I'm very grateful she is in an online class with Apologia for Adv. Bio and loving it and making friends to boot!

  14. My DS lives less than 30 min from home and we have dropped off water/juice/futon/rug in different trips. This past Saturday DS called and asked if we could stop by and stay awhile cause....


    "I really like you guys and would like to spend some time with you."


    Music to my ears since this DS last winter and spring was often spewing venom at me, wanting to get away and on his own.


    Oh, we took him out to eat.




    Omg, my eyes just welled up!

  15. I understand how this must drive you nuts. My mom used to do that to me also. Seems like the older people get - the more they worry. I'm not sure why - a loss of control maybe? My dad is 85 and worries if one of his grandchildren sneezes. This from a former Marine who made it through WWII and the Korean War.


    Nowadays, I just miss my mom calling me. Even if it were to ask me to take care of something for her, I would welcome it. She's been gone for 4 years now. It's all about perspective I guess. :sad:

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