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Posts posted by holdoll

  1. I'll go ahead and be the lone dissenter and say that this conversation kind of falls into the 'One Size Fits All' blanket of public or private schools, which is one reason a lot of us homeschool in the first place. ;) Not all students are capable of the highest standards, no matter how hard we push. Not all of us are interested in homeschooling simply to create a master race of little geniuses (although I wouldn't complain IF my kids fell into that category :tongue_smilie:). No---most parents are not as 'qualified' as a Certified Teacher to teach all subjects to the depth that a good school could, but hasn't it been proven that even those of us without a college degree CAN produce quality students in any subject? I know Classical is a more rigorous academic path than let's say workbook, but 'your' Classical homeschool might be more rigorous than 'my' Classical homeschool according to 'your' standards. But I am running 'my' school my way, so why should someone else's assessment that because I am planning on CC for my dd automatically equate to lowered expectations? Perhaps, as in my case, some of us do have very high expectations, but we don't have students that can accommodate our original lofty goals? Maybe just the simple joy of learning with my kids is trumping the push to achieve more, harder and faster? And lowered expectations compared to what? If 'our' expectations in general today are compared to those of the original homeschool pioneers, how would they compare? I have a feeling we are expecting a whole LOT more than those of the early days---simply because if you take a look at the literal explosion of how-to books, programs, curriculums etc. and add to that the competing marketplace of "This Curriculum leaves no gaps", "This programs teaches conceptually" etc. For example, Saxon was THE math program used by homeschoolers in the early days. The best----but reading here at WTM you would think it was the worst, least effective program to keep a mile wide berth of!


    I guess I will just leave with my thoughts that I am noticing that in general, too MUCH is expected of students these days, and some of it too early. And that push, push attitude seems to be creeping into the homeschool world in such a massive way, that I am also noticing many parents leaving 'true' homeschooling for charters, umbrellas etc. because they now don't feel capable of doing the job. There will always be the highly advanced students that mom really does need to outsource for and find more rigorous materials, send to college early, etc. One Size really does not fit All.


    Here, here! :iagree: I am all for expecting great things from our kids. I have one that I couldn't hold back if I tried. She's a sponge soaking up everything around her and more. The other, well, it's much more of a struggle for her. She will complete the same studies as her sister, but it will be a lot more work. Their father and I will continue to challenge them and set the bar high enough for them to stretch.


    At any rate, I will be overjoyed if they both turn out to be the person they were created to be and happy with themselves. What more could a mother ask?

  2. After all...I'm 51. :D Is it wrong to expect just a tiny bit of encouragement? She called yesterday. We chatted about nothing for a few minutes, and I thought I would try to step just a bit closer to her and share our latest happy news. Our dd (an amazing kid in so many ways :)) was invited to compete last month for a college scholarship. It was a fabulous day, she really did well in her interviews and writing, and we will hear the results by December 13. The Vice President seemed to spend quite a bit of time with her that day, just chatting and things. good...very good! This past Sunday the college held a beautiful reception for new and prospective students. She wore her new college sweatshirt LOL. My dh took her since I was ill, and he said the Vice President made a bee-line for her from across the ballroom, remembered her name, and talked with her for 15 minutes until it started! good...very good! When it was over, she again came over to her and visited for 10 more minutes, and then offered to personally pack up a plate of cheesecake for dd to take home to me because she didn't want me to miss having some. :) good...very, very good! So it appears, at least to us silly parents, that she has been noticed. Now, what does my dear mother have to say? "Well, I imagine that they want to see how she interacts with people, since she's been homeschooled." Gee, thanks mom. How about that 3.9 GPA? Or that perfect 800 on the SAT writing? Or the fact that she can speak intelligently and gracefully on just about any topic you throw at her? Honestly, sometimes I could just scream. :glare: Thanks for letting me vent LOL. Now, back to a Merry Christmas attitude!


    Well, I'm in awe of your daughter. What a smart, lovely young lady who OBVIOUSLY made an impression on the faculty! Kudos to you too mom!

  3. We god DS#2's PSAT scores yesterday!! Brag moment - he scored 227! I think we will be doing the national merit stuff one more time...I am so profoundly thankful, and so proud of my son!

    Blessings to you all as you wait for scores. I wish all of our kids could be NMFs!




    Fantastic! Congratulations to you both! :party::party:

  4. I called CB back to get mine, hoping to get a more sympathetic ear. I just explained that the school didn't have my daughter's scores. As it turns out (I did not know this when I called), the school where she took the test doesn't have anyone's scores. The person I talked to at CB gave me the access code from the score report. Will the guidance counselor at least give you the access code from your daughter's scores? Then you can get them online.


    The PSAT people to whom I talked insist that the score report goes to the school and that the school will mail the scores out. I believe that is contrary to what I have read here.




    This is really confusing.


    I called the CB back and did get a very nice woman who said that if my dd used the correct home school code and if she wrote her address and filled in the bubbles correctly that the test results will come directly to the house.


    One can always hope... :001_smile:

  5. I'm sure it has *everything* to do with our location. Unfortunately, my location can't change so I will. The thing is, years ago they weren't like this. It's really just been in the last couple of years that they've gone *way* downhill in terms of customer service. So, maybe it's the management. Either way, I'm pretty sure I'm done paying for the privilege of being a nameless, faceless entity to them. I know my leaving won't affect them one way or the other, but at least I won't have to deal with their garbage anymore.


    Get your membership fee back, or at the very least speak to the manager and tell why your leaving and where you're going.


    Do you have a WINCO in the area? They are wonderful. It's employee-owned and I get the bargain prices without having to pay a membership fee.

  6. First, I asked for the access code and she said I should call his hs guidance counselor and ask for the code. After I explained that we homeschool, she said she could give me online access. She went away for a few minutes and when she came back, I was able to see the scores online at the MyQuickStart tab without being prompted for the access code.


    I know this has worked for other homeschoolers on a yahoo group I belong to, so maybe it just depends on the person answering the phone.


    I tried this too, but the woman wouldn't budge. :glare:

  7. Still no scores yet. On Monday, I received a call from the school counselor, who said the school received their students' scores already. He sent out ds's test booklet and I received that today. Waiting is hard...


    I've called the counselor twice this week and I'm told she's very busy and will call me back "at some point". The assistant said she doesn't know where the test booklets are and hasn't seen them. There were only two home schooled kids there that day, and I have a feeling neither of them will ever see those booklets. :glare:

  8. Well, I really love Emma Thompson's version. I love Emma, Kate Winslet and Alan Rickman. I think they were all superb and have watched it with my family at least 10 times. :blush: She didn't stick as close to the story as I would have liked, but I can overlook that. I have come to not expect movies to stick to the story line of the book. That's the only way I can watch them. Otherwise we would never watch Lord of the Rings! :D

  9. Eagerly watching the mail box. I am, anyway. Haven't reminded ds about it, he's taking the ACT this Saturday. In fact, if you were in my shoes and the PSAT scores arrived, would you secretly hold them for opening after Saturday morning's test so it wouldn't be a distraction?


    I am wanting to open them myself as soon as they arrive but wonder if that's sort of an invasion of privacy.... Do you open your highschooler's test scores first (since, after all, you are the teacher), or do you wait and let the student see them first?


    We're in the same boat. Still waiting on PSAT scores and preparing for the ACT this Saturday. I'm on pins and needles.


    I hadn't thought of holding the scores until after the ACT. Hmmm, now you've got me thinking! :tongue_smilie:

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