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Posts posted by Julpost

  1. I have a 19 year old who just moved across the country to live with his aunt and uncle. He has only been there a week. Already he has arranged a date with someone through Tinder (?) later this week and is currently driving around with someone he met online as they show him around town.


    I understand that social media is the new normal, I guess, but I just can't see how this is safe.  He's telling me, "this 5'2" is not going to murder me,  I'm not an idiot, mom"....ugghhh!


    Is it just me, am I out of touch? I can't do anything about it anyway, but it's not unreasonable to be worried, right? I'm just not sure how to deal with this.

  2. Hi,

    I was stunned when my daughter told me today she didn't want to tell me the subject of her essay. She is having one of her writing tutors critique it for her so I haven't even seen it. I was glad to see how proactive she has been about her education this past year because I've been so busy with my 2 year old. It never occurred to me that she might not want me to see it. Is this normal? Or am I missing something? I'm trying to not make a big deal out of it but I'd be lying if I said it isn't bothering me. Is this a "growing into independence" thing or indicative of something more serious?

    What do you guys think?

  3. I don't watch TV anymore for financial as well as time issues. I just don't have the time and cable is so expensive! We watch some Netflix and Amazon Prime here and there with the kids...mainly kid stuff and documentaries.


    So, perhaps you can imagine my absolute shock when this past weekend, while on vacation in Atlanta (I live in a small New England town) I turned on the TV at 5:30am because the baby was awake and I thought, cool...a little fun TV time..


    So, there's some news, lots of infomercials, some kid stuff...I'm clicking past the kids channels and then hit upon some shows, maybe TV dramas...I'm not really sure. One show catches my attention just because of it's title...something about an attic. I watch a few minutes, just another show. I continue clicking, flipping through all the channels again thinking I guess nothing is on, when I hit the "attic" show again....and now, it's, well, quite graphic. In fact, I thought at first that this was an adult channel. And it was only a few channels down from the kids channels. So, I'm thinking, what? you can just find this stuff just by channel surfing, I thought you had to order it or something and I'm quite upset at this point because can I just tell you...this was graphic stuff. THEN, I notice at the top of the screen that a rating is shown for each show...this show had a TV-14 rating!!!!!


    To say I'm in shock in an understatement. Now, please don't misunderstand me. I'm no prude. I know there is a lot of stuff out there. But it used to be "under lock and key" so to speak. You had to go search it out. 


    So...I'm busy digesting this and processing it in my mind. I talk to my husband, he seems to agree...blah, blah, blah...we're home again and life is busy and we are getting back to normal routines.


    Then, my husband invites my 18 year old son to watch a Netflix show. I happen to sit down to catch up on some emails and listen to what they are watching. It's all vampires, death, violence, some comedy (??), and lots of swearing and graphic stuff (I can't remember what you guys call it here...there used to be a code word of sorts) but I'm sure you get the gist! I make the mistake of looking up at the screen and here it is again! Although, this time, it's my husband and son watching it! I can't believe it. Like it's Seinfeld or something. They're laughing, they think it's so funny! I talk to my husband later and he says it was an HBO mature show, not TV-14 and I guess he knew and doesn't think it's odd or anything. I don't know. But what I saw on that show was exactly the same thing on the TV-14 show in Atlanta.


    So, obviously...I'm living in a bubble or something. I feel like I've been so busy taking care of my family, homeschooling, trying to decipher curriculums, raising teens down to raising babies again, working on my spiritual life and trying not to get too busy for God, that something has happened to the world I once knew. How could this stuff be on normal, everyday TV...it's not like you have to go rent it anymore? And...how is it that my husband seems to not think anything of it? And now, evidently, my 18 year old thinks it's "refreshing to hear swearing in shows because it's realistic and 'real world'?? But mainly, it's like porn has hit mainstream TV, I just.can't.believe.it....


    I don't know what to do right now. I can't sleep because I now feel like an alien and like I've dropped the ball somehow. I've worked so hard to try to provide a good, healthy environment. I've tried to keep up on what's going on in the world and tried to "keep the conversation and discussion going" with the kids on movies and books. But admittedly, I don't go to movies and I don't actually read the books. I just read reviews and talk to others to get an idea of what's out there. I don't know what else I can do but I can't just do nothing. Not after what I have seen on the screen this weekend!



  4. I haven't read the other replies but for us, we have met others through playgrounds and parks, bookstore (during bad weather) and places like Burger King or bagel cafes....basically wherever moms and kids congregate. Hope that's helpful. I find that when the weather warms up, it gets easier. Good luck!!

  5. I found having a newborn SO much easier than my now 9 month old who is everywhere and into everything! The only time I can get anything done is if he is confined to a crib, jumper, or backpack. I had to just take it a day at a time, sometimes things go very smoothly and I can stay a step ahead and sometimes no matter what I do, I'm completely lagging behind. At my house, things change constantly and I have to be flexible. I don't know if that's helpful...I'm feeling a little scattered today. :-)

  6. We always try to continue reading, writing, and math...especially math. It's too easy to get math-lazy (for us, anyway) otherwise! I find that I have so much more energy to do the "fun" type of activities that still teach these subjects in the summertime. During the regular school year, it's all I can do to try to stay on top of the lessons in the books, never mind doing anything creative and fun! :-)

  7. Exactly. I have been able to compare the US school education with the one in Germany. It is completely upside down: here they drill the little ones with flash cards and push academics into elementary with long school days, but come 5th grade the learning stops and kids are just parked and supervised for 3-4 years before some learning resumes in 9th. Back home, kids enter school at age 6 or 7 and learn their abcs there, they get out of school at noon during the elementary years - but then, in 5th grade, expectations are ramped up, the kids learn, and that's how results at the end are achieved.


    It's the squandered middle years that are to be blamed for the sorry state of school education in this country. Pushing academics down to preschool is not a solution - the little ones should play. that's how they learn what they need to learn.



    Completely agree! Makes me sad to see the stress put on the little ones and the lack of expectations on the older kids. I homeschooled my oldest until 11th grade. He is a senior this year and the stories he brings home are so hard to believe, I'd chalk it up to exaggeration if I didn't know him as well as I do. 

  8. I know this is totally off topic but I've always had a great experience on this board...I am really hoping someone will be able to help me out here.


    We're going to be in Pensacola, FL for Christmas and between homeschooling life and a new baby...I have put off till the last minute finding a place for our dog. We're going to be there for a week and the rental house does not allow dogs. Our dog is an old, sweet lady and we don't want to leave her alone at home or at a noisy kennel for 2 whole weeks. If we could find a reputable kennel in Pensacola somewhere that miraculously still has an opening, or find a petsitter who takes in animals at their home...that would be such a help!


    Anyone have ideas?

  9. I'm curious whether others have done something different to celebrate a graduation other than throw a big party. It's not the expense. There are already going to be so many parties and honestly, we're going to have a new baby and hubby and I are absolutely exhausted. I'm looking for ideas that are fun, that may include either our whole family of eight or just a parent and the new graduate going somewhere. We don't have extended family nearby.


    Desperately seeking inspiring ideas!!


  10. I'm thinking about working a temporary night shift because of tight finances due to 3 young ones in braces. I've heard of others who have found a way to do this somehow and still get sleep, homeschool, etc. I'd appreciate some examples of schedules or any advice on whether this really is do-able or is it a crazy idea?


    I have another lead on a Personal Care Assist. for an autistic girl nearby...but I haven't heard yet on hours or any additional hours. I don't even know what kinds of duties such a position requires.


    I've thought about some of the online phone positions but I can't seem to wrap my head around how those work.


    It seems like summer would be a good time to try out working and see if I can figure out a livable schedule. I'd SO appreciate any advice on how others make it work! Thanks!!

  11. This is too funny. I'm having my own little conversation with myself.:lol:


    Does anyone remember how some of the other moms on this board worked from home? Weren't there some computer related jobs?


    I think I might just do a search....


    (would love any suggestions!) I can't put any money down. I do have a great computer network at home.

  12. To make a long story short, I'm thinking I might have to go back to work. I've been working on our budget and spending for the past hour. We're overspending by about $700 a month!! I don't even know how that is possible! I've gotten so into homeschooling and taking care of things around that house that our finances have disintegrated into great chaos and I am primarily responsible. I feel so guilty sending the kids back to school though.


    My hope is that it will only be for one year. I could go back to work, pay off extra bills, get our finances back in order and then bring the kids home again. The added bonus would be the 3 youngest would (hopefully) be ready to homeschool after experiencing public school first hand for a year. That happened when my 2 oldest children went to ps for 2 years while I was pregnant and taking care of a baby. They were very unhappy homeschooling before that and then were more than happy to come home. It was a win-win situation. It wasn't all roses, my oldest son picked up terrible habits and had some bad experiences. I wouldn't choose to do this. But I don't know what else to do.


    Has anyone else had to do something similar?

  13. I woke up late last night when my 11yo dd came into my room and quietly sat on my bed. I asked her what was wrong, she sighed and said tearfully," I just don't feel like life is worth living."


    I was stunned and didn't really know what to say. I said we'd talk about it in the morning. She stayed in my room for the rest of the night. I don't think she slept much.


    Needless to say, I didn't sleep well and have been thinking about what to do.


    She has been having a terrible time doing her schoolwork. She's very unmotivated and the only way we get anything done is if I'm on her constantly about it. Then I get the heavy sighs and eye-rolling. She sleeps late and I've been letting her because I thought if she got enough sleep, maybe that would help with how things go during the day. She LOVES reading in bed at night, I try to make sure her light is out by 10pm. So even though she sleeps in (is usually up by 9am), I do emphasize that she needs to get her work done and if she chooses to go to sleep so late and then sleep in, she just has to realize that she might have to work a little later in the day.


    Other than in all things school related, she seems like a happy girl. She enjoys having company over (doesn't happen often enough though), she plays well with her siblings, she loves to cook for us, and she seems to find joy in her pet chinchilla. She doesn't seem like a depressed person to me. Just in school stuff, it's like when she starts mulling over the work part of her life, she gets very sulky and pouty. I've been trying to ignore it and let her deal with it, I don't know how to inspire motivation.


    However, this just occurred to me, I did just read last night an article, in The Old Schoolhouse, by A.Pudewa (sp?) about how he inspired his 12 yo dd....he basically gave her more free reign over what she would study but enforced at least 4 hrs. of study a day and she kept a time time log that she would turn into him. She often would work till 9 or 10pm because she wasted so much time during the day. But that seemed to do the trick with her.


    So I guess my question is, how much should I worry over this comment? She has said it before, in very dramatic moments. There is a history of depression on dh's side of the family, I don't want to err on the side of not giving her feelings the merit they probably deserve. But I'm having a hard time because, in my family, you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps and did what you needed to do, and with a good attitude, regardless of how you felt about it. The positive feelings often followed later. But this hasn't often resonated well w/dh, who tends to be more moody and sensitive.


    Thanks for listening! Any advice??

  14. Has anyone followed the Moore Formula or read and followed any of their books?


    I'm curious how their suggestions work out in the day-to-day routine. I need to do something different, my 11 yo dd is nearing burn out I'm afraid. Ideally, I would like to have some new ideas in place in January. I like what the Moores say and also a bit of Ambleside online.



  15. I am rapidly losing patience w/my 10 yo dd. She is not happy being homeschooled and often makes comments about how much more fun learning was at ps. She was only in ps for k and 1st grade and she's now in 5th. I just don't know if I should be more sympathetic and let her vent or if I should tell her to buck up and stop complaining (in a much nicer way, of course. That's just how I feel.) I can't remember if this is somewhat normal at this age. I wonder if I should look back at past posts and see if I posted the same questions 3 years ago when my 13yo was that age! I just know I am so frustrated and don't know what to do. I just want some peace and would like to see her make some progress. I wonder if I should try to make things a little more fun. But I just don't think everything has to be "fun" to be worthwhile. But I also don't want to trample all over her feelings. I'm having a bit of a parenting crisis....I understand little people, it's when they get older and especially hit the teens that I am just clueless. I need some advice.


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