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  1. Hello, We just started using FLL Level 3 today with smashing success. Both my 1st and 2nd grader are using FLL 3. I intended to only do it with my older daughter, but my son INSISTED on being allowed to try it. He's a whiz verbally, so he loves it. I'm trying to figure out which WWE level to use. I have the strong fundamentals book, so that's helping. My question is, what's the difference between FFL 3 and WWE? Both do writing, dictation, narration...do I need both? I'm confused. Help!
  2. Hello, I plan on using FFL for my oldest, as she is just the sort of kid who likes the roundabout, gentle instruction in FFL. It takes her longer to maste concepts, so I think FFL is perfect for her. My second child, however, is a very analytical, sharp as a tack boy who prefers to master the concept in minutes and move on. I think FFL will be WAY too gentle for him! He wants it straight, clear, and let's get on with it. What would you recommend for this type of learner? He is an advanced 1st grader, turning 7 in March.
  3. Hi again, I found History Odyssey while investigating science curriculums. It looks interesting. Is SOTW with the AG complete enough for 3 and 2 graders? Or would History Odyssey be beneficial for a more complete program? I'm just curious. :) History is our high point in our homeschool, so the more fun we can have with it, the better :) Thanks!
  4. Hello, I am looking at both the FFL and English for the THoughtful Child. Does anyone have any thoughts on these two gentle LA books? They seem similar in style. We tried FFL and didn't find it very engaging, but my kids were pretty young. Thanks!
  5. Sherry, I think you'll be happy trying SOTW with AG and adding the Sonlight books in. We are REALLY enjoying the read alouds WITHOUT a specific schedule, assignments, etc. My kids are much happier with the laid back and engaging style of SOTW, FFL, and WWE! Hopefully, it continues to work for us :) Feel free to message me anytime as we try this new approach at the same time :) Rachel
  6. Howdy, Can you start in the middle of the Write with Ease series?? Or does it all build on past levels? My kids are fluent readers (ages 8 and 7) but the writing, grammar, and LA in general is a bit lacking. They know basic punctuation, but spelling is mostly phonetic and things like parts of speech, etc we have NOT covered well enough. We will be starting FLL in January. What would you recommend for the WWE workbooks? I am totally unfamiliar with the program. Thank you!
  7. Hi! I was very recently struggling with the same thing. I used Core K and am in the middle of Core 1 with my 8 and 6 year olds, with a 4 and 3 year old in the wings. I adore Sonlight's philosophy and reading lists. Love it! HOWEVER, I cannot continue using Sonlight for the following reasons: 1) I cannot combine my kids without creating a monstrous amount of work for myself. Too much modifying = NOT an open and go curriculum. So, multiple cores. 2) My kids are mostly kinesthetic learners, so they need hands on stuff. 3) With 4 kids, I couldn't get the read alouds done every day, so I was constantly feeling like I was behind. Also, some of the books were WAY over their heads, so it wasn't enjoyable. 4) I really felt like the instructor's guide was disjointed. Read a chapter from this book, then jump over here to this other book that has nothing to do with what we just read...it was driving me crazy! 5) SL is expensive. Very. I bought everything second hand and it was still expensive. Something to consider. Please keep in mind, I have zero creativity and very little time to organize, so I really wanted an open and go curriculum as well. To answer your questions: My questions about history are: How much time does SL core 1 take per day? For us, the read alouds, bible, and language arts takes between one hour and 1.5 hours. The math we usually finish in 20-30 minutes in addition to that. We can do an entire week of Core 1 science in an hour, so...we're looking elsewhere for that. :) How much time does SOTW take with AG? This is my second try with SOTW and classical education because I am in love with the concept and structure. In my personal experience, SOTW with the AG takes between 20-60 minutes, depending on the project. We do it 3 days a week minimum, my kids are history buffs, and we read a LOT in our free reading time (books that tie in with SOTW). Are the books in SL similar to the ones listed in SOTW AG book list? Yes and no. The read alouds are not, but what we do is use the Sonlight book list for our read alouds during family reading time. We just take our time and enjoy them. The best way to get the best history books is to use the Sonlight list, the Well Trained Mind lists, and the SOTW AG lists. Pick and choose! Can't go wrong with an Usborne! Which keeps your attention more? SOTW is better for us. Like I said, the bouncing around in the Sonlight IG was making us very confused. I originally thought the SOTW was way too simplistic (I was a very insecure new HS mother) and I was convinced I needed something much BIGGER to make sure the kids were being educated. I have since discovered that SOTW is MORE than enough, it engages even the little ones, and the projects are wonderful. We are learning much more from SOTW than Sonlight, at this point. Is one more biblically based/friendly than the other? SL has an actual Bible component, but we just bought the book they use and are using it independently. Both curriculums address world religions, missions, etc. We may use SL in the high school years for that. Sorry, this got long. :) Basically, I'm a big fan of both SL and SOTW. What I did learn is that at this stage in the homeschooling journey, not much in the way of "curriculum" is necessary. A good math program (we use Singapore and Horizons interchangeably), a good LA program, and you're all set. Just read tons of books about everything! The goal at this stage is just to foster a thirst for learning. :)
  8. Hi all, I am switching from Sonlight, and I am stumped on what to do about LA. I have a 2nd and 1st grader doing school right now. We were just getting ready to do Sonlight Level 2 Intermediate LA, mainly because I have it already. I have been unimpressed with Sonlight's LA, through Level K, Level 1 and Level 2 beginner. My 2nd grader loves writing, but my 1st grader is iffy on writing. Sonlight LA is not really helping, it's VERY drudgy. Do you think FFL and WWE would be a better fit? We're switching to classical, so I'm trying to figure out what we want to do. Money is tight, and we already have the Sonlight. But, like I said, I'm not crazy about the program and I agree more with the WTM's views on writing, reading, etc. What do you think?
  9. Do I need to get the Write with Ease Strong Fundamentals book AND the workbooks, or just the workbooks (if we go that route for simplicity reasons)?
  10. I have an 8 yo who loves to write and a 7 yo who doesn't. Should I start them both on Level 1 of Write with Ease, or start my 8 yo on the Level 2? Do the levels build on one another or can they be used independently?
  11. Howdy all! I am making the switch from Sonlight to classical education. And I have some questions! 1) Do my kids need a "curriculum" like Tapestry of Grace? They are 8, 7, 5, and 3. I was thinking (based on some online reviews) of just using SOTW and the activity guide at this age, and possibly integrating TOG when they get older. Is this wise? 2) Is there a science program you can recommend, in case I lack the *ahem* skills to bring together my own, based on WTM suggestions? :) 3) Is there a language arts program I should be using, or should we just wing it with reading, Spelling Workout, and First Language Lessons? FYI, when we tried First Language Lessons last year, the kids were NOT engaged. Maybe they were too young, though. 4) do I need the NEW WTM?? I have the older version, with an older man and boy with braces on it. Is the new version including new content?? and finally... 5) During WTM's recommended reading time (not the fun reading), do you have your kids read history books, science books, or...what? I appreciate your input. I am taking my first tentative steps away from a rigidly planned curriculum and putting together my own, based on WTM, and I'm a bit nervous! :) Oops, one more question. :) I read online that some people combine Mystery of History with SOTW because of gaps?? Do you do that?? Thanks! Rachel
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