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Posts posted by greenmamato3

  1. about 3 years ago, i wrote a 3-tier music program for our local Classical Preschool that is highly academic. it could easily be adapted/extended/broadened into a K through 2nd approach. it is a classical approach to teaching about 4 composers and their music, basic music theory( i.e. the "grammar" of music), the orchestra, and a lot of kinesthetic ideas .... it uses handbells as well as xylophones. it has been taught (by me and then two others) in that preschool exclusively ever since then. if you're interested ..... PM me. i'd be happy to help you.

  2. as a RS devotee and one who started out thinking that singapore would be right for our DS, i purchased the Early Bird and the 1A ....

    i'm on my second kid with RS {A} and i have her doing a page here and there in the early bird, which I would agree is DEFINITELY preK level type stuff. BUT i'm using it selectively. you want to make sure that the WAY you're teaching numbers stays in sync with RS A .... there's a grander scheme at work, and singapore gets very out of sync with RS .... you want your child to be GROUPING numbers, not counting individually. the earlybird does a LOT of one-to-one correspondence type counting, which is good for a season, but you don't want the child to only be able to count by ones. you want them to start grouping in their minds into twos, threes, fives, etc, as this lays the foundation for the later arithmetic, IMHO.


    i undersatnd the workbooky stuff that the kids at that age enjoy. just exercise caution when doing the earlybird as much as possible and make it about grouping as much as possible, even if it's just counting by twos or determining whether something is even or odd :) the earlybird pages are so "blank slate" type if you don't have the TM that you can basically adapt the pics to meet YOUR purpose and therefore be extending your RS topic a little further but in disguise :)


    my $.02.

  3. wow, ladies, i've really enjoyed your discussion :)

    i am now on the PR bandwagon.

    carmen, i had purchased VP Phonics Museum when DS was coming along through K {though i used both K and 1st grade levels with him for that in conjunction with Ph Path} and now am thinking that it's a bit wonky for DD who is reading CVC without too much trouble.

    so i'm thinking i'm going to buy PR 1 & 2 .... start DD in 1 {letting DS follow along for awhile whilst continuing his FLL2/WWE2} then officially start PR 2 when he hits "second grade" in my mind .... and we'll continue WWE. i'm hearing so many mixed reviews about FLL3& 4 actually being good .... like good retention. i thought about start CW primer .... just don't know with whom. i love the whole-integrated approach as well.


    am i on the right track, oh great PR, CW, and SWB experts?

  4. I


    Your question about the review questions being the narration is something I've often questioned since ds will sometimes answer my "What is one thing you remember" question with info from the review questions. I often tell him he has to give me one piece of info that was not part of a review question or to give me more information about one of his review question answers. He sometimes struggles with this since the review answers are now freshest in his mind, kwim?


    Honestly, we don't narrate for every chapter like we're supposed to; however, we do answer all the review questions, and some days I'll add my own questions in there on top of the review questions. It is one of my goals to get us to narrate for every chapter (and ultimately, every section within each chapter). Sometimes we just run out of time though, especially if the 2yo is around to distract us. My "justification" of this neglect is we're narrating in FLL, science, and after reading (either independently or aloud). :)


    it's like you took a leaf out of my mind's book! :) LOL.

  5. yes ... you're following me.

    i don't want to overdue the copywork {we have plenty going on in other subjects so i would only occasionally have him do history copywork instead} but i think he needs the visual cue of seeing the question. so if i type the questions out with a few lines after each one for recording his sentence, then he can answer orally in complete sentences and i can write down his answers.


    i *am* a huge believer in narration, even though i have no proof that it works from personal experience yet. i'm only going on what others say :) i trust in the system, if you will.


    i guess what i'm doublechecking about is whether, if i type up the questions, i need to also ask a "what's one thing you remember" type of question to make his actualy narration entry in his history notebook, or whether i could just let the process of answering the review questions with me *be* his narration .....


    clear as mud? i think i'm on the brink of a breakthrough but i just need help fleshing out this idea and tweaking it. i'm a little braindead currently.


  6. i just had a thought and wondered if any of you have done this:

    instead of handing my child a themed narration page for our history chapter of the week, asking the review questions, then asking him to tell me his favorite thing to narrate and record on his narration page, i'm thinking i might try writing down the questions from the AG chapter, letting him fill in the answers in complete sentences, since he's a very visual kind of kid.


    he's only in first grade, and this has the potential to be too much writing certain days, but i could always step in and assist with the handwriting portion .... i just was thinking that the ORAL component of the review questions and the ORAL answer he tries to give sort of stands in our way .... if i were to do more of a "workbook" page approach and then wean him down from that into oral narrations, i might make it easier for him to focus and not get so distracted and lost during narration times for history.


    anyone follow my train of thought? hmmmmm .... :bigear:

  7. thanks, gals.

    i think what i've decided for right now is to have him finish off the Daily Geography 1st Grade this week, one "week" per day ... he's in lesson 33 and there are 36. it's SOOOOOO easy. today he did two weeks worth of questions in 10 min, and he's *NOT* a particularly fast worker typically.


    so i am going to have him work through independently a book like one of these that moves at a bit of a faster clip OR has more breadth to the subject matter than the Evan Moor books do.






    i'll have my daughter start through the one the first reply PP suggested...nice and gentle for her right brain :) i think it was Map SKills for Today.


    i think i'm just going to start working through the Child's Geography from Knowledge Quest as our "formal" geography time together ... the workbooks are just constructive busy work :)

  8. we've used ETC and Natural Speller for our DS who is a gifted speller and had completed his phonics instruction via Phonics Museum and PHonics Pathways.


    i'm now considering switching gears to Webster's SPeller approach. I want to make sure he leanrs to ENCODE and not just DECODE. he's an excellent DECODER .... don't want to miss anything with the encoding process.

  9. eleanor, i see in your siggy that you use wordly wise, and i know from your post that you're using the vocab from the roots. two questions:

    1. what level of the vocab did you decide to start with?

    2. in what capacity does one/are you using the wordly wise? spelling? {i'm thinking not since you also use sequential spelling} ... phonics? hmmm. i don't know much about wordly wise.


    i'm really working to understand this spelling stuff .... thanks for the links. i just downloaded the webster's speller from don potter's site. is that right?

  10. i have no experience with anything other than FLL 1/2 but in perusing the GWG samples online for first and second grade, it appears to me that it is a combo of grammar instruction with phonics/spelling exercises {a la ETC} and could be a nice combo if you're looking that's workbooky a bit more than FLL but still gentle. i have zero experience with R&S or CLE


    would anyone agree or disagree with me on my cursory glance and conclusion? :confused:

  11. so is a reader/workbooky approach to reading {like CLP} not classical education? for example, i think DS could benefit from their "character building" stories and i think that having him read that then do the corresponding "workbook" pages could be nice, BUT i have two quandaries about it:

    1. he's not reading "great lit" and so is it actually a poor substitute

    2. could the workbook pages and "what does it mean when they say ____" type of approach risk stealing the thrill of simply enjoying a book and discussing it with mommy, which is ultimately the way things are done in REAL life :)


    all the while, i think the best thing is just to have him read to me, etc ... a snuggle approach to a reading approach KWIM, but sometimes i doubt my ability to guide him through good books b/c i had such a deficiency of this growing up ....


    kinda just thinkin' out loud here .... i will try to go back and find some of the related threads to this that have already been done ....

  12. i have the old version of WTM which was written before SWB wrote WWE and before she had completed levels 3 and 4 of FLL. so i can't really consult it for LA help {sigh} ... what does the new version say?!



    so, if one does FLL 1-4 and WWE 1-4, what is the child then ready for? our DS will be finished with those WAAAY before 4th grade, unless i slow him down and intersperse it with shurley. so i think doing either FLL 2 alongside shurley 2 OR doing fll 2 THEN shurley 2 then going back to FLL3 ... etc .... might make it last longer until DS is actually ready for "post 4th grade" work.


    i figure i will begin either IEW or CW ... would i do that AFTER WWE 4 or in place of some part of it?


    what grammar instruction do you do after FLL 4 and your spelling program? vocabulary like English from the Roots up?


    [[[i'm a big picture concept person .... so in order to understand WHY i'm doing what i'm doing right now, i have to understand what purpose it serves in the grander picture, you know? :tongue_smilie:]]]

  13. i have looked through LBC and can't find where they have PLL. i clearly see the ILL....


    i honestly don't think i'm going to switch away from FLL. i LIKE that FLL calls it by the grammar name, etc ... but i've only arrived at that since reading through everyone's responses. and i'm REALLY glad to hear thoughts on Queen, esp, b/c i'm always drawn to their books on the site, but in reality i don't think DC could handle that much copywork.

  14. 1. well, i've been praying over this issue. {thanks for all your responses!!!}

    i think i'm going to stick to what i know .... we're going to finish ETC through book 8. i don't know what we'll do at that point, but i have now decided i'm not going to switch midstream to ABeCeDarian. i may begin it with my daughter at some point ....


    2. Natural Speller has been a great fit for DS b/c he *is* such a natural speller {he is working on what they consider to be the 3rd grade list and it's a BREEZE for him ... [sigh] ... it's a very simple book of word lists by grade level. we test at the beginning of the week to FIND 5-10 words that he even slightly stumbles over spelling orally. then we take our spelling time that week twisting those around, doing homophones {etc}, adding suffixes or changing the verb tense or putting the nouns into plural. {you get the picture}. i just made up a little document on the computer that he does this on .... it's very low key. i was advised back in july by some mamas on here to NOT do the spelling power word family type of approach and that the SWO would be too easy, and after a LOT of discussion DH and i landed on AAS being the right fit for us when we decide to do spelling .... and of course then i stumbled on spelling wisdom which you don't start until 3rd grade sooooooooo, my inclination was to let that be our spelling approach.


    3. i think i'm going to start a new thread addressing this: what would be my "options" to consider after completing ETC book 8. i know there's a beyond the code, and actually i'm thinking through the spectrum, quadshot. :) for after we complete ETC 8. {there's also a beyond the code that i could consider}, since you highly recommend it quadshot! :) but i don't htink i'm going to shift over yet


    4. truscifi: i'm curious about breaking into MCT. i've looked at it ... it would completely replaced FLL and WWE, right? i have trouble understanding their website :tongue_smilie: that would be a complete revamping of my projected LA approach, right?!


    i love entertaining all these different options! i love all the curricula choices!

  15. thanks, articmom and coffeebreak. both of those were really helpful to me! i've considered the WP AS 1 but since it would be our first WP purchase/usage, i don't really totally understand how to break into it and not revamp everything else i'm doing ..... :)


    i have even considered using them with the BF ....

    but i've also been pondering using TruthQuest with BF or GRUBER 13 colonies, etc .... lots of eclectic things. plus, i found these two for free:





    there's one other but i can't lay fingers on it right now.


    i tend to like *this* and *that* and a little *here* and *there*, and end up making something that could potentially be so simple into something very stressful for myself b/c then i busy myself trying to condense it down for my DC so as to not overwhelm them {but i think i overwhelm them, too, and am working on this part of my mothering/schooling .... }


    i want something that lays an excellent foundation but that also leaves some stuff to be delved into further when we actually reach it in the SOTW 3/4 ....


    i *do* appreciate how LBC overlaps US with the 4 yr history cycle .... just not sure how i feel about their entire curriculum.



    gotta go. breakfast time. thanks, ladies

  16. does the BF early american history guide have anything other than reading schedules in it? like, does it have any "hands on" learning suggestions? i'm thinking of taking a step aside from SOTW1 before we start SOTW2 {the reasons for which are too numerous and cumbersome to mention} and thought that spending a year with my DS 2nd and my DD K'er doing this would work .... and i have my own ideas of some books i'd like to add in. but i'm TERRIBLE at coming up with creative hands on ways to teach historical stuff, so i really appreciate when IGs make mention of this.


    i'm particularly interested in what "spine" you use ... if any. i, too, have viewed the Am Prov Hist on amazon and was NOT feeling it would work well for our k'er at all and would be a stretch for the 2nd grade.

    i do now understand that it could just be for ME to read but .... what spine could you use in place of it or to add TO the program?


    and are there notebooking suggestions?? i don't like that there's NO sample to preview on the BFB site .....


    ok one last question: did you all really just splurge for the lit packs and scrap the idea of trying to find them used?

  17. aaaah. this is my gut feeling anyway. but i also come from a home that never encouraged reading anything other than Mandie, Babysitters Club, & whatever LITTLE was assigned in my "advanced" reading program at school .... which was nothing related to Classics. :tongue_smilie:


    i'm still interested in opposing views and arguments that might support it ....

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