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Everything posted by hmlongino

  1. I like this idea! I don't want to be TOO scheduled, since I will only be setting myself up to "fail", but I am a visually organized person... I love lists and calendars. This could just work! :) I think we are going to have to do a year round schedule since I just learned that I am pg again (yes, dd is only 9 MONTHS OLD) so March & April could prove to be insane!
  2. This is really great!! Thank you! I like the idea of having weekly goals to accomplish... I know for a fact we're going to be running around and dealing with the little ones... plus, I like to get out and go places, so there's no need to set arbitrary rules for myself! In Georgia, we have to keep attendance and show 4 1/2 hours per day for 180 days of the year as being "schooled". I think I was thinking of this too literally... a trip to the grocery store could be a lesson on counting money, nutrition, etc. I fluctuate between being excited and being totally frightened. I am not afraid of actually educating them, I'm afraid that I may go crazy without a break! I'm sure I can work it all out... it's just a little daunting to think about! Thanks again, seriously, this stuff is GOLD!! :D
  3. Just FYI, my boys are VERY strong in math and science, but not so much in reading. My curriculum choices are: Singapore Math History Odyssey (modified, not using EVERYTHING, but using Ushborne History Encyclopedia, Story of the World, and the coloring books referenced) Hooked on Phonics 1st grade curriculum 1000 words for spelling success + diction Real Science 4 Kids Pre-Level 1 chemistry and biology Plus I have a creative writing journal for them
  4. Hi! I'm a former teacher (health) who is now going to begin homeschooling my 1st grade twin boys! I also have a 9 month old and just found out that I'm pg again!!!! I have all my curriculum all set and now I'm starting to work on lesson plans for the first few weeks. I'm a pretty flexible person, and I know things will ebb and flow... but I know me and I will need a schedule so I will get my act together and get things done! I am not an early bird, and hope to start after breakfast around 9 or so. I'd love to hear your schedules, or non schedules, or just whatever it is that you do with your children for the 1st grade! :D Thanks! Holly
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