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Need help with a course description....

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My dd took a photography course for her 9th grade year. She used Oak Meadow's Introduction to Photography which is just a semester course but she also edits photos online and has countless hours built up doing that. Would that constitute a full year's credit in your opinion?

If so, should I just title the course with one title or break it up into 1/2 credits with different titles like: Introduction to Photography/Digital Photography?


Any good advice? Thanks :)

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When I add to classes I usually word my descriptions like this:


Using XYZ text (or online course) as a foundation this student studied concepts PQRST and then was able to apply these concepts in ABC or for X# of hours in ____ setting.


Using Christian Light's Home Economics book as a foundation the student studied basic nutrition, cooking, sewing, gardening, and childcare. She was then able to apply these concepts to spend 80 hours pursuing advanced sewing projects, planning a home garden, and teaching pre-school children in a co-op setting on a weekly basis.

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