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When do the "Terrible Two's" arrive for the homeschooling parent?

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are there developmemental cycles for homeschooling parents like there are for our kiddos? Any discernable patterns out there that other's may have noticed?


Recently I've noticed that around year 5 (consecutive years) of homeschooling burn out is high and there's serious talk of quitting (enrolling the kids in some kind of school out side the home).


This year I'm also surrounded by mom's who've been homeschooling for 10+ years. And I'm also curious about what it takes to "get that far" without disintegrating. Are there other predictable years that seem tougher than others. Do those years coincide with the ps years like junior high, senioritis, but for the homeschooling parent? KWIM


This is year 5 for us. Many homeschooling friends are now in public school. I see other's who've been doing this longer and yet I'm weary. If I know that this is normal and it will pass I can keep on. Or if it's just a sign that I wasn't meant to do this long term I'd happily resign.

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That is an interesting question. Do you think maybe it comes in 5's?


I am beginning year 17. I feel very old about homeschooling that long. My kids are all spread apart. I have 3 left, the youngest a first grader.


I've spent 2 years in very major -- I'm never going to get out of it -- burnout. I am looking at a huge life commitment here. I really think I began to resent it, and I never thought that would happen. I would think, I am raising my kids to have a life and I have no life.


With my 3rd in college now, and the next in 8th grade, I am beginning to thaw out of burnout mode and my homeschool life is becoming liveable again. I am almost ready to do American History for the 4th time, sigh. I am almost getting excited about that. ;)


My 3 graduates thank me, though. You can make it through this! I'm sure it's different for everybody -- health issues, family issues, moves across country -- they all affect the homeschool. It's a life!

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