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The Vision Therapist perscribed bifocals, how long till she is used to them?

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And my 8yo did have some mild issues. I have one exercise I am doing with her and a follow up appointment to see if she needs more after that. As I stated the doctor prescribed her some reading glasses because my dd is boarder line in need of glasses. Her opinion was that in 2 years, without correction she would require glasses all the time. Glad we caught it now.


My dd was not thrilled. She seemed to get over it, we picked out frames and decided to go with bifocals so that she could wear them anytime. She sits in front of a window, so that also allows her to look out. I have noticed her reading seems to be better, she gives me no problems during hs. The problem? Bedtime.


Normally we put the kiddos down at 8 and allow them to quietly play or read till 9. My 8yo has decided that these glasses have ruined her life and she has cried herself to sleep the last three night in a row because she no longer can enjoy her Sonic comics. No she doesn't have a flair for the dramatic at all (girls!).


Please tell me they get used to the glasses fairly quickly and get over this.



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Ok I didn't have bifocals as a kid but I have to say they aren't exactly my at night. I have to tip my head differently to read at night. It is doable and I have gotten use to it. How have the glasses ruined the comics? I have to say I do love my multifocal contacts sadly those do come out at night and I am stuck with the glasses. Can she not read at all (like right before bed) with out them or will it cause too much strain? I know I can't see the page well enough with out mine.

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Ok I didn't have bifocals as a kid but I have to say they aren't exactly my at night. I have to tip my head differently to read at night. It is doable and I have gotten use to it. How have the glasses ruined the comics? I have to say I do love my multifocal contacts sadly those do come out at night and I am stuck with the glasses. Can she not read at all (like right before bed) with out them or will it cause too much strain? I know I can't see the page well enough with out mine.


She can see without them, which is part of the problem. I just don't want her vision to get worse, which the doctors said would happen if she didn't use her glasses.


The problem is (I held the glasses up so I could, "see," through them) that around the edges where the bifocals end it distorts the pictures/page. You can't just hold the page farther away and see the whole page because it goes out of focus (as I am sure you know). By the time the page is in focus you can only see a part of the page and where the glasses end there is a double/distorted effect that I can admit kind of ruins the feel of a comic/picture book. I have asked her if she wants just reading glasses without the bifocals and she says no. She wants glasses that look right all the time, like mine (I am near sighted though, not farsighted).


I am e-mailing her doctor today to see what she thinks.






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How about a pair of readers for comics? Or just at night. I know hunting for readers at reading time is a pain but if it was just for special. Really though I have just adjusted. The ability to see a page clearly overwhelmed the pain of it all. It sounds like her eyes aren't bad enough yet. I know when dd started wearing glasses (not bifocals) she really needed them and was grateful but once that wonder wore off she really disliked them because your vision is limited to what is in the frame. She ended up being happier with contacts but she didn't get them until she was ten. She will say hands down that she prefers her contacts just for that reason. Is there some positive that makes the glasses better that you can think of for her? For me before I got my last prescription mine had always been weak and I could force myself to focus so I went without most of the time. What I didn't realize was all of the headaches I was getting had a cause. Maybe there is something cool that she isn't thinking about that would help lessen the blow?

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She got back to me already!!!


By the way that is one solution (reading glasses that were not bifocals) we wanted to explore but it was going to cost us $100 because we used all our insurance (and then some) to get the first pair of glasses. Ouch! :blink: Luckily the Doc came through for us.


She confirmed that it is even MORE important she use them at night, and gave me the power needed so I can run down to a drug store and buy a cheap pair of reading glasses. Whew!


I had called her office and they basically refused to let me talk to her. Wanted me to come in (I live an hour away, one direction). Then I remembered that she told me to e-mail her if I had questions. I am so glad I did or I would be one frusterated girl this afternoon.






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The reading glasses at bedtime sound like a good solution. My son uses bifocals, and it really didn't take him long to adjust to them at all - less time than the doc even suggested it would. Perhaps he was just excited to see?


When he reads in bed, he lies on his stomach with the book on the bed before him...perhaps position would make a difference for your dd? He reads comics, as well, but he was used to the bifocals before he began reading comics.



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