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WWE workbooks - do pages lay flat? A full year for one level?

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Is the workbook easy for a 'just learning' child to write in? Or are the pages perforated to make it easy to tear out? I'm thinking about getting the student pages from Peace Hill press and keeping the workbook unscathed to use as a TM.


Also, do ya'll take a full year to go through each level? It just seems so simple. Does it really take a child that long to master the level 1 concepts?



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I also asked this question and one of the posters says she takes all the pages out(yes, they're perforated) and separates them into 2 binders, 1 for the teaching material and 1 for the student. Personally, for $11 I'm going to order an extra set of student pages and leave the workbook in tact.



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I think that it would take a year for most 6 year olds to get it well. It gets slightly harder every few weeks (longer passage for narration and a longer sentance for copywork).


Of course if you just get the text, then you can see the steps for every few weeks and go through them as quickly or as slowly as your child needs. My boys were older when we started, my 9yo sped through level 1, and while level 2 is slower, he skips chapters there too. My 7yo needs most of level 1, he is occsionally able to skip a week or so, but not much.


I do use the text and the workbook. With the text I can see how the weeks go together. For example weeks 11- 17 might be a step, and if my child has done well on week 11 and 12, then I can skip to week 18.


The pages are preforated, but we just use our own paper. The lines are way to big for my 9yo, even in level 2. And for my 7yo, who isn't strong in writing, not having the model sentance written the size he is writing makes things harder for him. I would also like to keep it for several students, and I hate these books when half of the pages are torn out of the back.

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