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Please give me your thoughts on dd's 8th grade science options...

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I was all set to do RS4K Chemistry I, Chemistry II, and some other stuff for my dd 8th grade year which starts in the fall. I have all the books purchased.


However, yesterday afternoon, I attended a meeting for a biology class that will be starting up this fall in my area. I went with my son who will be in 10th grade and must take bio next year. Well, the teacher will take students in 8th grade and up. I am intrigued by the possiblity that my dd could get her high school bio done at the same time her brother is doing his. I am not sure how the credits work for that, but I can figure that out later.


The teacher said there is no science prerequisite for biology. For 6th and 7th grade my dd has worked through all three of the Apologia Zoology books. She is about 1/3 of the way done with Zoology 3. She is a reader, and she is very independent with her work. I don't have to hang over her shoulder. She uses her time wisely.


I am slightly concerned that she hasn't had much in the way of chemistry. I supposed I could do physical science with her in 9th grade, but that leave chemistry for 10th grade, and she is not the strongest in math.


Anyway, with that information, what do you think? How would you chose in my shoes. I haven't talked to dh about it yet. My son is a little less than thrilled at the possiblity of taking the same class with his "little" sister, but that really is not an influencing factor in my decision. Of course, it would be an additional $200 for her to take the class.


Oh, and just a little more info, she wants to go into equine science in college, or at least that is what she thinks she wants to do.



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I faced this same decision last year. My daughter who was then going into 8th grade could do a local co-op of Apologia Biology. She is wanting to go into the medical field and absolutely loves biology and disection so at first it seemed like a no brainer.


I spoke with some older more seasoned hs who advised to go through the Apologia general and physical first. She had done various science programs, including chemistry and some basic good BJ 3rd edition science. this made me more convinced she should do biology and did not need apologia.


After much debate we did do Apologia general for both my 6th and 8th grade kids. They have gotten so much foundational thinsg out of it- and are now doing the last modules on the human body. they both now LOVE science and talk about what they are learning all the time. My dd LOVES horses too.


I know I am giving this from an Apoligia perspective- but some others who did put their kids in the biology class young- it did not go well and I fear turned them off to science. A good foundational program should deepen their love of science- I do not regret waiting even though I know she will not do biology now until 10th as we will do Physical next year.


Hope this helps,


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