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Applications are open for Nautilus Homeschool's 2024 beta program (posted with permission)

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Hi Well-Trained Mind Community,

I'm sharing this post with permission from the WTM team, to invite interested homeschooling families to participate in a free beta testing program for Nautilus Homeschool, an eclectic, secular literature-based K-12 curriculum.  It's a bit different from other curriculum options on the market, and I'm hoping it will be useful to other homeschoolers.

Using our website, parents create a customized program of study for each student by selecting courses at the appropriate level for each subject.  Courses are based on carefully curated external materials, and include core academic subjects as well as electives like computer programming, philosophy, life skills, Mandarin, futurism and entrepreneurship.  Parents can further customize the curriculum by adding and removing books, adding their own courses, scheduling vacations, and combining material for multiple children.  The web interface includes weekly and daily schedules, and generates academic records and high school transcripts. 

Our courses are designed for intellectually curious students who love to read.  The curriculum is inspired by classical and Charlotte Mason approaches to homeschooling, and we use many of the materials recommended in A Well-Trained Mind, including The Story of the World and the Writing With Skill / Writing With Ease series.  Reading assignments in history and science are paired with supplementary works of historical fiction and nonfiction.  Upcoming book lists make it easy to order or reserve at the library the materials that will be needed each month.  

Note that we don't provide books, produce our own educational content, or offer an interface for the students to use.  It's rather a product aimed enabling parents to easily create and manage custom curricula, and to provide their kids with great books and materials they might not otherwise have known about.

Pricing is normally on a monthly subscription basis, but we are providing complimentary access for twelve months to the first fifty families to sign up for the beta testing program.  In return, we ask that participating beta testers complete a monthly questionnaire about their experiences.  We'll use this feedback to improve the curriculum over the course of the beta period.

You can learn more about Nautilus Homeschool at our website, https://www.nautilushomeschool.com.  To sign up to join the beta testing program, please first create a free trial account at our website.  Once logged in, submit the questionnaire at https://www.nautilushomeschool.com/parent/beta-application?via=wtm.  

The deadline to apply is August 31, 2024.

Note: Nautilus Homeschool was previously known as Great Books Homeschool.  We completed a prior round of beta testing in the 2023 - 2024 year.


Edited by jkurnia
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