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AOPS Pre Algebra Course Offerings


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I was looking at Aops Pre Algebra Classes by Aops. Currently my son attends their LA classes and likes them. So I was looking at Pre Algebra classes and see couple of options for Pre Algebra. My son takes LA classes through Aops Academy which is live video based class with discussion. 
Aops Academy has honors level 6 math which is Pre Algebra but this is different than Aops online Pre Algebra. I’ve heard about chat based classes and that would not work for him, so want to be clear before I choose either. 

Placement tests are also different for both of the options.

Academy placement test level 6A:


Aops Online Pre Algebra: 



This year I gave him an option between Mr D and Thinkwell and he choose Thinkwell and loves his videos. He will be done by Jan end.



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