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Scheduling CAP W&R with Treasured Conversations


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I’m working on planning writing for my 10yo. She has done WWE 1-2, and then W&R Fable, and at the end of last school year she did the first few lessons of W&R Narrative 1. She absolutely loves W&R and is doing well with it in general, but I'd like to shore up some weak areas by adding another program. I bought Treasured Conversations in hopes of systematically filling in some gaps in mechanics and especially for teaching non-fiction writing skills like outlining (which I have heard is a weakness in upcoming levels of W&R). We haven’t really used a formal grammar program yet, but she has had bits of grammar instruction via WWE, W&R, LOE and Latin, and I’m sure she could breeze through TC Part 1 pretty quickly. She knows almost all of the grammar concepts there, though I like the TC emphasis on choosing more vivid language, so I want her to do section 1 even if we speed it up or skip some things.


Anyway, I’m looking for advice about the best way to schedule W&R Narrative 1-2 and TC together. I'd rather not stop W&R in order to do TC instead, so I’m trying to find a way to do them simultaneously, or alternate them by week, or something like that.


I also have FixIt Grammar, which I bought before I considered using TC, but I’m guessing all that writing and grammar might be overkill and that I should shelve FixIt for now, at least. Not sure…



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