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please help me find a good forensic science lab kit


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that won't either waste my money or make me broke.


My rising 8th grader is doing forensic science next year and I want to find some good hands on labs for him that will both work and are fun, without costing tons.  


I have a spine picked out, but I am sort of piecing this together for him.


Please help me.





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I don't know about any kits, but I ordered some finger print powder and a dusting kit on Amazon for under $10 back when we did our forensic science stuff with oldest. The museum also had a homeschool class that focused on blood spatter analysis dd took this past Spring. You could do something similar at home for cheap reading up on splatter patterns. The kids had a ball making the patterns and determining swipes, wipes, smears and other things. The rest of what we did at home involved a lot of measuring, photos etc for staged crime scenes. I didn't really buy much else. Do you know what all you want to do that is discussed in the spine?

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