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How does this look for 5th and 6th grades?


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This is what we have lined up for these two kids. I'd love to have input from those who are further along the trail than I am.


These two are currently doing Ambleside year 4 and 5. Kiddo #3 tends towards dyslexia and is thriving with the lack of busywork in Ambleside. Kiddo #4 does fine with Ambleside, but quickly runs out of work to do, needs to be beefed up a bit.



Kiddo #3 – 6th

Ambleside Year 6
Apples & Pears level D -necessary for this kiddo
Math - Teaching Textbooks, finish 5, do 6. 
Language â€“ Spanish, Duolingo
PE â€“ Baseball, spring and fall
Kiddo #4 - 5th
Ambleside Year 5
Math - Teaching Textbooks 5
Music – Piano
PE – Baseball, spring and fall
English – BJU 5 (extra work to reinforce grammar/writing and keep a very quick child busy)
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It sounds like a pretty good variety. I've looked at Ambleside a little but don't know much about it. Charlotte Mason based?

You can always start a 2nd language with #4. The younger they are the faster they learn the language. :001_smile: Keep it fun!

 Just a note about TT math, for your #4, it is a little slow compared to some other programs. You may want to encourage #4 to work over the summer and bump up a grade level next year. I use it for some of mine, but my oldest (11th gr) recently said it didn't cover enough material before she took her PSAT this past fall. She said if we would have started Pre-Alg. in 6th or 7th gr. she would have been better prepared. She needed Geometry, Algebra 2, & Pre-Calc. skills. Just a heads up for down the line. We do like TT a lot. It saves me tons of time! We are just going to adjust their schedule a bit for the next ones coming up through.

I think it's great that you found a good match for your 6th grader! Happy teaching!

Edited by 8Arrows4theLord
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