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Tips for Young Writers from a Homeschooled Teen Novelist


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Does your child dream of becoming an author? My kids have all enjoyed writing stories, and for years we've used their novels as a primary component of our homeschool language program.


Most of them never got to the point of publication, of course -- in fact, three of the five never finished a complete manuscript. They still learned a lot, though, and had fun doing it. But my youngest got hooked on Nanowrimo at age 10 and published her first novel at 13yo. Now she's 17 and still writing. Her third book will come out next month, if all goes well, and she'll complete the 4-book series before she graduates from high school. Cool!


If your kids want to follow in her footsteps, Teresa is offering a free 50-page booklet of short stories and writing tips called Where Do Writers Get Ideas? It's the sign-up bonus for her email newsletter list, but you can just take the booklet without subscribing to the newsletter, if you want.

And if you or your kids enjoy fantasy quest stories, the first installment of her serial adventure is free for the month of July at Smashwords. Use the promo code SFREE at checkout.


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