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Help with Math...Theodore and Simon want to ditch

Ewe Mama

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CLE? I have convinced Alvin that he is fine sticking with it as he has good retention. Once he gets over his mumbling and grumbling he usually does quite well.


Simon and Theodore are a different story. I was giving them placement tests for various well-known curriculum. They totally bombed the one for Saxon Math. I think the wording of some of the problems threw them off. They could do the calculations of the straightforward problems very easily, but anything of the word problem variety was missed.


They did much better on the Teaching Textbooks tests, but they still placed only in Level 5, which would basically be 4, wouldn't it? They would still basically be in 4th grade math after working their tails off all year. I would still use it though and hope that the novelty of the cd-rom format would carry them through the lessons at a quicker pace and then bump them up to Level 6. My hesitation is that I keep hearing it is not very rigorous. Neither one of them has any idea about what field they want to go in to. Plus I wonder if it would be like offering them the candy version of a math program, all the fun taste, but very little nutritional value. They each have the aptitude for math, but I want to find something to help their attitude in slogging through it.


I have never used Singapore. Is that something we could easily step in to, or has that boat long sailed? I would like to get them thinking more mathematically, so that word problems do not make them shrivel up in fear and self-doubt. I have always had to help them with the CLE word problems and have made up similar problems for extra practice, but apparently that wasn't enough to give them any confidence in word problems.


I have tried Key to books to supplement, but then they forget the other things they had learned and it is like starting from square one again. I have considered MUS, but the fact that it is mastery makes me nervous. We have and dislike MM across the board.


What other non-Internet options are available? What do you think would be a good fit for my math-capable, but math-hating boys that might make them tolerate or -gasp- perhaps even like math again?



I think Teaching Testbooks is at the top of the list right now.


ETA. I think it would be best for me to step back as their math teacher for now as my explanations just frustrate them further. This is why TT is at the top of the list. A highly scripted program that I couldn't screw up would be an acceptable option, however.

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