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YES! I've finished planning 9th grade English :D

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And, I think I did it without over-planning by much (there is stuff I can cut out if we really need to -- but this is my girl who reads quickly, and I've planned stuff out based upon times needed or an audio-book pacing).  We're using Implications in Literature (Textword Press, Explorer Level), WWS3, plus books and audio books, and two movies.  Some of the book selections are from her social studies work (she's doing AP Human Geography next year).  DD picked more than half of the selections.


Homework consists of Vocabulary Exercises Comprehension Questions or short-answer discussion questions (not usually more than 3).  These are all integrated into the Literature.  A very minor review of grammar/punctuation is also included.


Papers are from WWS3.


Novels read: Pride & Prejudice*, Around the World in 80 Days*, Children of the River, Jane Eyre, Metamorphosis*, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Animal Farm*


Novels on audio book: Foxe's Book of Martyrs*, Anna Karenina, Oliver Twist, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich*, Paradise Lost*, Huckleberry Finn and Gulliver's Travels.  


Movies:  Pride & Prejudice (A & E version); Dead Poet's Society (movie review for WWS3).


It's highly likely that both the movies and most of the audiobooks will be done while we're traveling...as we have between 50-60 hours of travel time (cars, trains, airports).


Those marked with an "*" have discussion, a study, or a paper included.


Grading is 40% homework, 50% quizzes and papers and 10% final project (WWS3).


Yay, ME!  Of course, I still have a long, long way to go.  :p  



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