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How are the SAT & PSAT graded?

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If you are right, you get one point. However, if you leave an answer blank there are no deductions. Additionally, there is not a penalty for wrong answers on the short grid in math section (only about a 10 or 15 minute section I think).


That said, many people feel you should not guess unless you can narrow the choices to 50/50. But, that doesn't really bear out statistically. If there are 5 choices per question and you guess randomly, you'd be correct 1 out of 5 times, earning a full point. So, if you are wrong the other 4 times you would be dead even.


Therefore I believe it is better to go ahead and guess if you aren't sure...plus there is a pretty good chance that you'll be able to eliminate one or two of the choices anyway, thus upping your odds.


These point scores are added together for each overall area of the sat and then the score from 200 to 800 is generated from a table.

So, when my son got 43 out of 54 correct on the June SAT with 8 wrong and 3 omitted he would have had a 41 (43-2) that translated to a 650.


Hope that helps a little.

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