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I need help deciding on the design of a bag for my son

3 ladybugs

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I have posted a poll on my blog with all the details. http://ourunplannedlife.com/2015/08/20/help-i-need-opinions-today/


I am making my son a epi-pen bag (he is 2) that we will be carrying around with us from now on. However I don't know what would look best of be the best choice. I asked hubby and he was no use so I am coming here. Please feel free to comment her or on my blog (all posts on blog are reviewed by me before posting). 


Thank you for the help!

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I voted on your blog--option A. That's the only one where the text doesn't fade into the background and is easily read.


I would strongly consider changing the color of the bag from green to red, though, and possibly putting a medical symbol on it, especially if there is ever any situation in which your son is away from you, or in which you could leave the bag in the car and send someone for it if it were needed, and the more easily recognized "medical emergency" color scheme could make a difference. Red as a color also just tends to jump out at people more quickly, so if you're looking for it, red would be seen sooner. There's a reason medical kits and fire extinguishers tend to be red.


I agree that the green and the cow are cuter, but I think I'd go for practicality. Even if you went with red for visibility, you could put the cow and your planned text on the sides, with or without a medical symbol beside them.

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The reason why I didn't want it to be red is honestly, everything we have been getting in the last few years has been red. We just seem to be gravitate to that color... Maybe because we are Red Sox fans??


So I could have went with white, which is completely impractical as it would get dirty in 2 seconds, or green, that the cow would look better on. This is why I think having it labeled "allergy bag" is important.

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