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SOTW cycles with more than 1 child


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My boys and I really love SOTW - I started Ancients with my oldest in 1st grade, then Middle Ages for 2nd and K, now Early Modern for 3rd and 1st. I'll have a K, 2nd, and 4th grader next year for the last book. I've noticed that the chapters get longer and the language a little more advanced with each book - my oldest tracks really well and could easily read it himself, but I don't want to give up the shared learning aspect for all of us. SOTW3 is a lot of information for my 1st grader, and I'm wondering how both he and the Kindergartener will do with SOTW4 next year. The coloring pages and review questions do help, I'm just wondering how using SOTW for such a range of ages has worked/not worked for others? Thanks!!

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