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Learning Greek--Rosetta Stone? Total Greek with Michel Thomas? Pimsleur?

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Does anyone have any experience learning modern Greek with any of these do-it-yourself programs? We'll be moving to Greece next year, and I'd like to go in knowing at least conversational Greek. I'm hoping for lessons from a native speaker once we arrive, but I can't count on that.


My learning style: I pick up on pronunciation easily, but only if it's VERY clearly pronounced--I have a hard time sometimes understanding people over the phone, for example; if it's clearly pronounced, I can replicate it, though, especially if I also can see it written to catch those subtle differences (like "p" and "b"). I need to drill vocabulary or I won't remember it (though I'll still be able to pronounce it perfectly when I see or hear it again). If the program I use doesn't drill vocabulary, that's ok, but at the least I need to be able to see the written words (and be taught the Greek alphabet) so that I can make flash cards and drill myself. I do want to learn grammar, though I'll be happy enough if I can just make myself understood at first.


I would appreciate any recommendations you can give me!

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