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CW or WWE or ?? for Advanced First Grader + Struggling 5th Grader


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I'm trying to nail down my curriculum plans for next year.


My son (age 6, first grade next year) is finishing up First Language Lessons this year and reading 4-6th grade books for leisure and school. He hates writing (like physically holding a pencil, lol) but does well with oral narrations.


My new adoptive daughter (age 12, sixth grade next year) just started homeschooling this February and is remediating with Barton Reading and Spelling Level 2 for her dyslexia and is generally working on a 1st grade level. She writes easily but with poor structure...so oral narrations are a struggle for her but copy work is no problem, even very long passages. 


I lean heavily towards the Classical side of things (Well-Trained Mind, Circe, Ambleside Online, etc). I'm a former lit major and would love to handcraft their Language Arts curriculum but with all I have to keep up with on a daily basis I'm not sure if I have the time or mental capacity right now to do that. So I need something fairly open-and-go, very classical, and ideally something I can use with both kids. 


I like the look of Writing With Ease and think it would likely dovetail nicely with First Language Lessons and our other WTM-suggested curricula. But then I saw Classical Writing-Primer and Classical Writing-Aesop and they seem like they'd be a wonderful match. I love the seasonal focus on the Primer one, but worry it might be too young for my 6th grader? And I'm just not sure how the two compare. 


Has anyone here used WWE and Classical Writing? Which would you recommend? Or has anyone handcrafted a WTM-ish Language Arts program for their kids (without the benefit of a classical education themselves)? 

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