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How much time should I schedule for Elementary Greek next year?

Wendy in ME

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I am in the midst of planning for next year. My 11yo ds wants to start Greek next year and we have decided on EG but I'm not sure how much time to schedule for it. Is is done a little everyday or every other day or less? How much time do you spend on it. I am getting a little nervous about folding in K next year with 5th and 6th so I am working on a preliminary schedule. To be honest, I am not that crazy about adding another subject but how can you refuse an 11yo practically begging to start Greek?:D

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I've always scheduled 30 minutes for Greek. In the beginning, we only took about 15 minutes a day including flashcard review, so I had a little cushion in our schedule. Now that we are in EG III, most days take 20-30 minutes; but some of the translation exercises can be very time consuming; my middle son took almost an hour translating from English to Greek last week. The key is really not about how long it takes you, but that you do it EVERY day. Flashcard review is a necessity too.


My boys love Greek. My DH actually teaches Greek (at night & on the weekend), but my sons complete the workbook exercises on their own during the schoolday. I found the EG program to be self-teaching for motivated students. If your son is willing, go for it.

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