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HOD-Resurrection to Reformation?

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I have not used HOD before. I've looked at it, but never thought it would suit my needs. However, now I'm looking at it for my ds10 for next year. He will be in sixth grade. I think it would be a great fit for him. I would like the Economy Package with Shakespeare, the Science Add-On, and the Bible study materials for boys. But, wow, the expense of all that adds up! How hard is this particular year to find used? Or how difficult is it to piece together? And is it worth the expense to buy it new or the time it would take to piece it together? Thanks.

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My 12 yods is doing Res to Ref this year.  When I'm looking at purchasing a HOD package, I make myself a spreadsheet and then start comparing.  This year I found it cheaper to piece everything together from a combination of used and new.  There are some resources that are only available from HOD (or used from someone who purchased from HOD).  I ended up buying the guide new from HOD (because I have so many more children to use it) and a few pieces from them.  The rest I got either new from Rainbow Resource, or Amazon.  A few I purchased used from Amazon.  


It just depends on your situation and how much time you want to spend shopping.  My accountant-brain likes to make spreadsheets and compare prices, but it's a lot easier to push that buy button from HOD and get it all in a great big box.


Best wishes.  I hope that HOD works out for your family as well as it has for ours.



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Thanks. I was thinking about Rainbow Resource. I order from them a couple of times a year already, so that's a good idea. I would like to purchase the guide new, if I can afford it. I won't be starting Res to Ref until August 2014, so I have time to piece it together or find it used...but, like you said...so easy to hit that "order" button and take care of it all at once.

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