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Stuck on Math! Needs some advice


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We are currently using Saxon Math 1 and 3.  It seems to be paced slow, especially for my son who has a natural aptitude for math.  I like the idea of some spiral, to keep up with skills.  But I also like the idea of mastery since my son needs to be able to be advanced through a curriculum at his pace and doesn't always need the repetition to master.  Anyone found a good combination of this in a program?  Saxon feels impossible to advance him in, as I go through the lessons it feels like I would be cutting a portion out to focus on one small aspect that is lightly covered..(not sure that makes sense I am having a hard time explaining why it doesn't seem to work).  Someone recommended Christian Lite, another Singapore, and another MM.  I know what I am looking for, something that gives enough repetition and drill if needed, but also allows you to advance if appropriate, or is a more advanced paced curriculum.  Any advice????

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