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FLL4 & WWE Questions.... Please Help!


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I know questions about FLL & WWE have been brought up ALOT but I'm asking ones I hope haven't been answered! FLL4 isn't on Peach Hill Presses website but IS in their catalog for FALL release. Is there any more info on this? And regarding WWE: is the text written out explaining HOW TO TEACH or actual lessons? Did I catch it right that the L4 workbook will NOT be out for a while but it isn't needed to teach from the WWE text book? I'm placing orders and finishing up my year at a glace but all my curriculum hasnt been delivered so I don't know how many lessons are in each!



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Amazon shows a release date of September 15th for both FLL 4 books.


As for WWE, yes I believe you can use the writing manual without the workbooks. The workbooks simply save you the time of having to pick out the passages needed to teach the skills being introduced.

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The WWE text has guide lines for each level.


So for level 4 the text will give a very explicit (full dictation and narration) example, then tell you what to look for to find your own. I haven't studied level 4 as much, but something like this

WEEK 1- the book has the dictation and narration available

WEEK 2-5- it tells you what to look for for dictation-#of words, and specific skills, and narration- length of passage, what they should be able to do, as well as what you should look for to find your own passage.

Then when you get back to WEEK 6, the skills will go up a small notch, and they will give another complete example, then tell you what to look for for the next several weeks.


Each WWE level is scheduled for 36 weeks, but as you can see it would be easy to skip ahead if they have completed what you are supposed to do for each group of weeks, or stay there longer if they need more practice.

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