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Options for antsy child


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We are using Phonics road for LA and Singapore for math. Sort of throwing things together for science and history, though I would like to actually start Sotw this fall. What I can't figure out are options for our youngest who is just antsy. He knows the material for the most part, but it's like I have to threaten him to make him sit down and do the work. I had to remind myself all year that he was only 5, but I did think he was able to sit for 15 min to do the work. All the phonics are finally clicking and he's starting to read pretty nicely and I think it will keep falling together. Same with the math. Currently for the summer, he has a brainquest 1st gr book that he is going through with no issues except some of the reading so far.

I've been looking at packages like sonlight or calvert-minus math/la though. Or how to incorporate more fun into the work for him. It's like he's bored sort of. Not adhd, just would rather be doing something else than schooling. Yet, at co op, he's just fine. He loves the science experiments, animal and art classes there.

Also trying to figure out how to school with a nb this year too. I don't think it will be a huge deal-at least if I tell myself that. Ds1 is going to be doing 3/4g work and to me is far enough ahead that losing some time isn't going to hurt, but for ds2 with him finally catching it all, losing time isn't really an option. It seems to set him back, at least now it does. Another reason I've been looking at some packages-not sure if I'll be able to really plan out what to do for lessons.

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My Kinder is antsy and likes to move. My advice? Keep the sit down work brief. Incorporate phonics and math games. Keep reading aloud to him. Even if my ds is spinning around on the Bilibo or jumping on the couch I keep reading. He's listening and remembers quite a bit even though it doesn't look like it. For SOTW, I would suggest using History Pockets Ancient Civilizations along with it. Give him the coloring sheets from SOTW or HP to color as you read. Instead of reading first and then following up with a history project, do the history project first. Watch history documentaries. Act out the history (or anything else) with dress up materials.


Use lots of hands on math materials. C-rods for example. Reading will click eventually. I tell my ds up front that I know it's not his favorite, but reading and writing are super important and he has to do it. It's also helpful to give them a stopping point. A timer or an end place is very helpful. Also I found with my active kid that lots of science activities and movement activities were gold for keeping his interest. We did a math activity one afternoon where he measured out with string in the yard the dimensions of a t-rex.


Instead of threatening, try to make a visual chart of some sort showing what needs to be done. Let him move something (a clothes pin, or a velcro backed number etc) from a to do column to a done column. I use the workbox numbers with my kids. It also helps if I put the daily basics in a magazine holder, then my kids know those need to be done today.


It took time but now my oldest knows a day isn't done if some reading, writing, and math weren't completed. My younger will get there.


For homeschooling with a newborn, baby carriers are your friend. My newborns basically lived in a Moby Wrap. While your baby naps is a good time to do some read alouds. My dd slept on my lap on the couch and we sat there and read good stories, while my oldest listened and my younger ds played quietly with some toys on the rug.


I tried to get active work (math and hands on activities) done first thing and in the afternoons when the newborn was alert and happy to be carried or my dh was home to hang out with the baby. When they get older it's easy to just do your work on the rug nearby a playing baby. A tickle or a shake of a rattle here and there, and then go back to the 1st grade doing math.


Don't feel bad about keeping it brief and relaxed this first year especially with a baby.

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My DD(5) is also very antsy and cannot sit still - she usually falls off her chair if I try to make her sit even for a short time. She is actually accelerated and reads at a 4th grade level though asks me to hold the book for her often because she cannot be still enough to keep her own place if there are a lot of words on the page. I keep sit down activities very short and allow her freedom to move as much as possible - so if she needs to write a list of words she can write a few words and then zoom off on her motorbike around the room once and then come back and write some more.


I also add in a lot of hands on activities - spelling is sometimes just sorting word cards into groups, she uses a lot of manipulatives for math, science experiments are always a hit and we also move school from room to room and take frequent breaks. I have done SOTW1 with my DD this year - very often we read it while she is in the bath and act out the scenes later or do crafts later. She is not keen on coloring so we do other more hands on activities with play doh or lego or building maps in the garden with sand, mud and grass.


With the newborn I would look at firstly a proper holiday after the child is born even if only for a couple of weeks and then a light schedule - if you cover the basics each day then he won't slide backwards - I have found that a break of a week actually helps my children even if at first they seem to have gone backwards they suddenly also click on things that we had been drilling for ages before the break as long as the break is not too long.


Finally one thing that seems to work well with my DD is to give her exercise before we start schooling - running, hopping, skipping - anything that gets her really moving - even dancing in front of the TV can work if its pouring with rain and we can't get out and I have found as long as I am in sight she can do it without too much involvement from me.

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