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Which edition of Lial's and Dolciani for supplementing/reference?

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So I've decided it would be beneficial to have one or both of these on hand for additional practice or presenting material in a different way etc., but when I look on Amazon there is an overwhelming number of choices!! Can someone give me an ISBN or edition specifics?


Also, are there solutions in the back or do I need a teacher edition/solutions manual for that? I know someone mentioned having answers to the odds in the back but I can't find which book has that.


I'm thinking I might want pre algebra and algebra.

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For Lial I don't think the edition really matters as much. I got this one for Pre-A:


And this solutions manual:



For Dolciani Pre-A I got this:



For Dolciani Algebra there can be more of an almost religious debate about versions. Some greatly prefer the older 1960s/70s editions. I ended up selecting a 1992 edition which I liked after reviewing. http://www.amazon.co...ils_o01_s00_i00


See this thread if interested in the discussion of versions: http://forums.welltr...ry#entry4518400


The student workbooks have the answers to every odd problem in the back.

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