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Journalling: What We Did Today


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I've been keeping track of what we did today, logging it, so that I can look back at the end of the day, when I'm feeling like I "didn't do anything," and see that I did. Since I like reading about what other people are doing (and it's less creepy than peeking in your window), I'd love it if other parents want to post a journal of their day.


I'll put mine up when the kids to to bed.

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I'll go!


5:30 AM-Awakened by DH to drive him to airport. The taxi didn't show up so the kids and I stumbled into the car, shivering because we were all still in our PJs.


7:30 AM-Went through drive-in for breakfast. We have no breakfast foods as we're trying to work through our pantry before we move. Remind myself to take quick trip to grocery store when I'm not in my PJs.


8:00 to 9:00 AM-Take a nap. Being 7.5 months pregnant is really making me slow. Ate snack when I woke up. Being 7.5 months pregnant is making me hungry all the time. Warn kids we're starting school.


9:30 AM-Start school. Get phone call from husband that we need to work on house stuff. Ask DS to work on grammar and spelling while I'm on phone.


11:30 AM-Still working on house stuff. Tell kids to get lunch. DS unhappy because he doesn't like sandwiches, which is all we have left that's quick to fix.


Noon-Start school again. Review DS's grammar and spelling. Start DD on math since it's drawing patterns. DS unhappy with math lesson. The work's not hard; he just has a tough time when we get a late start. DD decides to take her work to another room since DS is vocally unhappy. Fold clothes and wipe down kitchen while supervising DS's math work.


12:30-Review DD's math work and do her phonics lesson. DD reads from reader while I write out her copywork. She copies her letters very sloppy. I spend the second half of the sentence verbally reminding her how to form her letters and making her rewrite any letters that aren't right. I write out three S's and ask her to make 3 perfect copies. I praise her for a great job. The other letters she wrote sloppy today will be worked on tomorrow. I continue to prompt DS to finish his math work.


1:00 - DS still not done with math work. DD dismissed to play with math manipulatives. I sit with DS trying to keep him on task.


1:30-Tell DS he's done for now and he should do his math work later. He gets upset. I'm firm that we're moving on. We do history. Both kids narrate to me and DS writes out his narration. We don't have a map today so short lesson.


2:00-We work on geography; we're behind a few days so we do two today. We read about Costa Rica and Panama, fill out notebook pages, color flags, and label maps. I talk about peninsulas and isthmuses and I have DD point out examples on a map of North America. She also points out oceans and compass points. DS recites country capitols


3:00-Snack and reading break. I do chores.


4:00-Leave for YMCA. I work out for 30 minutes while the kids do a kid fitness class.


5:30-Go to grocery store for cereal and milk.


6:00-Fix dinner.


6:30-Sit on couch and vegetate. Still vegetating.


Tomorrow, I will cut the math time for DS much shorter. I usually give him just an hour, but I got focused on finishing up things around the house and working with DD. We're in a state of flux as we're looking for a house, but I'm hoping once we settle things will calm down.

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Changed the baby, nursed the baby

Ate & fed kids breakfast



Oversaw the two younger boys' Skype speech therapy

Did history lesson with dd

Took the trash out

Cleaned out Crockpot



Went grocery shopping with kids

Nursed the baby

Dropped ice cream off at a friend's house to say thank you

Got home



Let kids watch an episode of Magic School Bus

Changed the baby

Fed the baby some banana

Fed the kids lunch

Unloaded the dishwasher

Changed banana-covered baby's clothes

Practiced sight word cards with 7yo



Nursed baby to sleep

Played online, checked work email

Held sleeping baby, watched Hannah Montana with 9yo

Had 12yo do spelling lesson



Still holding sleeping baby

Had 12yo do his math test

Put 7yo in time out for not giving the 9yo the ipad when it was her turn

Baby awake, nursed baby

Graded 12yo's math test

Got a snack for kids

Loaded/ran dishwasher

Flipped laundry

Changed baby

Flipped through the new Midwifery Today while helping 5yo with reading workbook



Did a lesson from Writing With Skill with 12yo

Had 9yo do a lesson from Saxon Math 3

Helped 5yo do a page in Simple Addition

Nursed the baby

Flipped through a friend's compiled research

Watched Saxon Math 87 DVD lesson with 12yo

Listened to 7yo read aloud

Unloaded/loaded/ran dishwasher



Hanging out on the WTM board, 7yo entertaining baby, 5yo cleaning up toys, big two kids drawing



Started dinner: chicken noodle soup, tomato soup & crackers

Entered contests at www.online-sweepstakes.com

Ate dinner with kids



Nursed the baby, fed him cooked carrots, changed his diaper

Clipped 5yo & 7yo's nails

Watched Mythbusters with the kids while entering more contests online and reading on the WTM board



Listened to dh read the kids more of The Hobbit, sent kids to bed.



Changed the baby, changed the baby's poopy clothes, nursed the baby



Nursed the baby

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My day yesterday:


7am - up for the day. Cup of coffee, checked email, got the 13yo up, and threw in a load of laundry.


8am - started the kid on literature, played stickers with the 2yo.


8:30 - took dh to work.


9am - started updating Skedtrack. Added books we'd need in the new year to my Amazon cart. Went over the WWS work the Kid did while I was out. Mostly good, which meant he learned from the day before and actually read the instructions (or rather, comprehended. I had him read them, then read them to me, then I to him, the day before and we still went over the work 4 times!). Discussed the literature, tied in the history by looking at Fort Mose, copies of the Confederate Florida dollar, and reading marked passages in To Be A Slave.


10am - tried to get back to Skedtrack. Did grammar with The Kid while the 2yo, now done playing Legos, cuddled in my lap.


10:30 - tried to tell the 2yo that the neighbor was at the neighbor's house and that he couldn't talk to her right now. The child looked at me like I was crazy while the neighbor peeked her head around the corner of the stairs and chided me for not answering my phone, then taking it to plug in for me since my charger went MIA and it was dead. Oh, and invited me to lunch. :) I grabbed a quick shower after setting the 13yo to update his science flash cards.


11am - French onion soup next door with the sewing club. :) I took my work (cutting out superhero masks) and got a nice half hour of adult company, 2yo in tow, 13yo deciding he'd rather have a sandwich at home.


11:30 - quizzed 13yo. Made shields to go with masks.


12pm - helped the Kid update his science experiment, then went over his writing project. Took the math he decided to do over lunch and put it in my bag. Listened to the poem he spent two weeks memorizing.


1pm - went to the post office where I confused the worker by being excited over packages with chemistry & history books, and a science dvd (Ellen McHenry, Story of US, and Disney Imagineering. WOOT!). Stopped off at the store for stickers, paint, and snacks.


2pm - set up for Cub Scouts. Stickers in the center of the table, paper plates with red, yellow, blue, and white paints for each child. Snack off to the side.


3pm - Tigers arrive. It's the end of our superhero month. We've built a community map, visited the fire station, had fire and lost drills, learned secret codes (911 is different here), made ID tags...today was superhero graduation: masks, defender shields, and setting out to be heroes in our community.


4:30 - pick up dh, hit up the grocery store. Get home and realize we are all starting to come down with a bug. Oy.


6pm - dinner-ish.


6:30 - watch the new Disney Imagineering video.


7pm - realize the 2yo, who got up at 5, never got a nap today and is starting to get sick. Hot shower, cold medicine, and bed.


8pm - 13yo turns in.


8:15 - dh and I decide bed is sounding really good, too!

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