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I am too old to install a closet system

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I bought a Rubbermaid closet system for the kids. Installing the top horizontal bar is the hardest part. DS1 and I decided to do it this afternoon. It took several hours to get it up. That included a trip to the internet to find out how to install winged drywall anchors after we spent a lot of time trying to figure it out on our own.


Finally got it up, it's perfectly level, looks good. Time to install the vertical rods.


We installed the horizontal rod the wrong way around (the front should be the back)! Why? How could this happen. I have old eyes is how. When I look at the rods, they look just like the picture, but that turns out to be due to shadows that I could not tell were shadows.


My palms and my fingers have blisters from using the screwdriver and hammer, so we went to the hardware store to buy screwdriver bits for my drill.


DH is out of town in my SUV, so I had to take his car. I got out and my lower back is killing me and I can hardly straighten up. I guess it is because his seat is so low slung compared to my SUV's and I didn't make every possible adjustment.


So we will finish the closet tomorrow.


Maybe at 51 I am too old for these adventures in what -- carpentry? At least by the time I get to 5 more closets, I will be so experienced it won't take as long and I'll be a whiz at this.


These closet systems are so cheap-- I got one for a 4' - 8" closet at Amazon for around $65 on sale. The good news is that they look pretty good and get great reviews at Amazon.


So if you are interested in buying a closet system, that's my recommendation.


I'll come and install it for you for the price of transportation and $5,000,000

No joke.




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I understand your doing this with your kid. My kid is extremely helpful in many ways and a joy to work with, but not in a closet and not with something with a lot of similar looking parts. You are a much braver woman than I.:) ((Hugs)) and a cup of tea and chocolate sent your way.

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This is a simple-to-install closet system. A lot of folks installed it in about an hour, according to the reviews at Amazon.


There are lots of more expensive closet systems out there that I would never in a million years attempt to install.


With this one, only simple tools are needed -- and nothing needs to be cut. That was what attracted me to it in the first place.


Once I get it up, it better not fall down, or I will take my 5 books and move to a deserted island.

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We put this system in our boys' closets, and it is very sturdy. It hasn't come loose from the wall at all, and the shelves have stayed level. I think you will be pleased.


My DH is an engineer and was irritated with all of the wasted space in our closet; therefore, he decided to upgrade our closet to an IKEA system. It was more expensive (but not as much as we thought it would be), and I'm very pleased with the outcome; although it's more work that I ever would have put into a closet. However, my DH loves to have projects and is quite handy. These attributes are a good combination to keep our house maintained and updated, but also keep the cost down. Of course, having the time to do everything is another story...

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