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Need Second Form Latin Help:

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ETA: I think we figured it out. I was misreading in the back and now see that in Latin the verb comes at the end. Most of our questions were solved by that one little fact. Thanks!


I'm trying to compare the answers given for 2nd form, lesson 10, part III translation in the answer key with what my student has written.


I am not knowledgeable in Latin and rely on the answer key quite heavily. So when there are "options" (ie, word order, interpretation of prepositions or nouns, etc.) I really appreciate the teacher's guide pointing out the variations.


My question for this section in particular has to do with word order. I looked in the back of the student text and it looks like word order should "always" be subject + verb + extras - however, if I'm reading the Latin translation properly from the teacher book, it does not look like it is using that word order. My student, however, is using that word order. So - does that mean this is an optional area for translation? or is my student wrong?


For instance:

1. We have a lake in front of our house:

- Teachers Guide: Nos lacum pro domu notra habemus (my transalation reads this roughly as "We lake in front house our we have"

- Student's answer: Nos habemus lacum prae domu (I'm seeing that he should have used pro instead of prae) here - would his work otherwise be correct?


4. They fight without fear.

- Teacher's Guide - Sine metu pugnant.

- Student's answer: Pugnant sine metu.


Thank you for any input.



Edited by A.J. at J.A.
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