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Turkey Pepperoni Sell-by date

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I bought a pkg of tky pepperoni at the store on Sat. I'm making mini-pizzas tonight, & I just got the bag about 1/2 way cut open, & I noticed the sell-by date: May 21 08.


There's not any way I'm reading this wrong, is there? On the one hand, I figure it's probably fine & not really worth my time to return. On the other hand, the principle of the thing *really* bugs me.


I've already got cheese & olives on the pizzas; we don't usually use pep.--I just thought it would be fun. So I could return it another time. Of course, I don't have the receipt, but...


I'm not sure if I'm complaining or asking wwyd, but there ya go. I turned the oven on in 100 degree heat because I had *turkey* pepperoni. Dh will be so excited that I cooked *anything* at this pt, that it will be fine either way. Ok, I'll stop.


I guess I want to know if y'all would put the peps on your pizza or return them? Knowing fam won't miss them on the pizza. Just another random act to make a pg woman crazy! :glare:

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I wouldn't use it, I probably would take it back even if it was just to let the store know that someone isn't rotating the stock as they should be. I'm a stickler for expiration dates ie: we always drink our milk before the sell by date or out it goes, even if they say it's good for so many days after that. Not in my house it's not LOL

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Whatever you paid for the pepperoni is peanuts compared to what you might have to pay in pain or even a trip to the ER. Whenever I am in this pickle I always throw it out. I hate to do it - it makes me sick to see a whole package or jar of something falling into the trashcan. I just console myself by knowing I may have kept one or all of my family out of the bathroom all night or worse.


Take it back? No, too much trouble. Just remember to look next time. That's just how I feel, though. I think it would be more valuable to the store if you were to find outdated food right then and there and point it out to them. I live 20 miles from my grocery store though, so that probably has a little something to do with it.:)

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