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Cat-survey from Seton tests

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Can you ask for a copy of test and which ones your child missed? I checked my 7th grader's test out of curiosity when I was getting ready to send it. I found 3 wrong on the total test. She has always made 97-98 composite. The printout says she missed 9 total and made a 91 this year. That is hard to believe unless I would have gotten several wrong also!

Edited by LNC
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I don't know if this will help. Last year my fifth grader took the CAT from Seton. She missed 3 and got a 99th percentile. It was the only time she took it.


Years ago, she took the longer CAT from Kolbe. She did well but not as well because she scores higher in the LA and math sections than in science and social studies. From what I remember, if you only looked at the LA and math, I think she would have done as well as she did on the Seton CAT.


I hope this helps a little.:001_smile:


I think your dc's scores are wonderful and you should be thrilled. Really!

A few percentage points don't mean anything of value.

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