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For those that have used IEW-PAL

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I believe PAL is intended for K-2, but we use PAL reading for ds3.5 (who knew his letter sounds and was very motivated to read) and for dd6 to review her reading skills (she has already been through AlphaPhonics but I felt she still had some gaps). The PAL writing we are using for dd6 and ds8 (who had no previous writing experience). I'm not using that part with ds3.5 since he is not quite ready to be writing yet. The first month of PAL takes the longest, which is why we started it over the summer! We usually do every other day - reading one day then writing the next. We probably spend about 30 minutes a day, sometimes longer if they are having a good time with the file folder games! It can be teacher intensive, especially at first whien you are trying to get into the flow of things. I tried to save some time by putting all of the games together before we started. We have really enjoyed the program and it is so good to see my kids really enjoy something that involves "school work"!

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Thank-you! This is exactly the information that I was looking for.


Did you buy extra components because you have multiple kids using different parts of the program?


We didn't buy anything extra- we just make extra copies of lessons from the CD-rom if necessary. The only thing I have heard people buy separate is the Phonetic farm sticker set, but my kids are fine with sharing and taking turns putting the stickers on.

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