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Does anyone use Mastering Mathematics?


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We are currently using Life of Fred, which we both love, but I'm interested in supplementing with additional materials. We've tried MUS, but she found it to be too repetitive. She never cared for the DVD lessons, either. Any additional suggestions for math would be appreciated. Thanks!

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We used it with our younger ds who has high-functioning autism. We originally bought it for our older ds who has down syndrome but the skills that are required to use it he still hasn't acheived yet, MUS has worked better for him.


MM is a great program but it does have a lot of repetition and a little slow, to the point that ds was getting bored to tears. For example, with multiplication for 3s it would teach 0x3, 1x3, 2x3, 3x3 then go over those combinations for several pages including mulit-digit combos (i.e. 123x3, 12x3, etc). Again, a really great program especially for slower learners (the program was originally designed for special needs learners), but wasn't a good fit for ds #2.


We recently switched him over to Ray's and for him it's working beautifully. It's more mental math and he LOVES doing math in his head.


I wish I had more advice for supplementing but I'm still relatively new to homeschooling myself. :)

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