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On attractions that are done single file, do you prefer to be first or last?

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I'm sorry for the confusing title, I couldn't think of a better way to word this.


Tomorrow, ds (8) and I are going to a water park- just the two of us. Some of the slides sound pretty tall, and I am trying to decide if it would be better for me to go down first, or to follow. There is no way he would ever believe ahead of time that any of these might scare him.



If any of the slides turn out to be a really scary ride on the way down, he may freak at the bottom without me. But if I go down first, he might get spooked and not want to go down at all and then be stuck up there.


Maybe I'm worrying about nothing? I've never been to this park before, and I'd like to have this thoroughly considered before I get there.


Do any of you have a preferred method in this situation?





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